Our dedicated faculty is made up of the brightest and most creative scientists in the world, including innovators, prizewinners, and pioneers who wrote the book on biology. View the full list of our heads of laboratory.
Rockefeller faculty members are passionate, curious, and energetic. Whether studying individual cells or model organisms, human beings or entire populations, Rockefeller’s scientists are working to explore the inner workings of life and are attempting to unravel the causes of disease. The fundamental questions that inform their research are posed in the service of expanding knowledge, and the results they generate have opened up new fields and overturned long-held dogma. It’s this emphasis on inquiry and discovery above all else that sets Rockefeller apart from its peers and that has sustained its excellence over more than 100 years.
Taken as a whole, the faculty has a record of achievement that is virtually unmatched in academia. Throughout the university’s history, faculty have won 26 Nobel Prizes and 26 Albert Lasker Awards, among other prestigious honors.