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In lean times, flies can't survive without their sense of smell

It’s not just bomb-sniffing dogs; animals everywhere rely on their sense of smell. Now, Rockefeller University researchers show just how important olfaction is, proving that fruit flies with a normal sense of smell have a survival advantage over those that don’t. The findings, to appear in the J...

Eroded telomeres are behind a rare premature aging syndrome

Each time a cell divides, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes shorten — and when these caps are gone, so are we. Now, by using an unconventional strategy to shorten telomeres in mice, researchers at Rockefeller University have not only created the first faithful mouse model for studyin...

Rockefeller Archive center becomes an independent organization

After 34 years as part of the university, The Rockefeller Archive Center, which catalogs and stores the university’s administrative and scientific records and also handles archival material from several other organizations and from the Rockefeller family, has become an independent organization. E...

New fundraising goal set at $750 million

by ZACH VEILLEUX With $490 million raised toward its original $500 million campaign goal, the university’s Board of Trustees has decided to be 50 percent more ambitious. On June 4, they voted to add $250 million and two years to the Campaign for Collaborative Science, the fundraising initiative t...

Archive center goes its own way

by ZACH VEILLEUX After 34 years as part of the university, The Rockefeller Archive Center, which catalogs and stores the university’s administrative and scientific records and also handles archival material from several other organizations and from the Rockefeller family, has become an independen...

Clinical immunologist to join Rockefeller University

by THANIA BENIOS In September, pediatrician and immunologist Jean-Laurent Casanova will join the Rockefeller University faculty as professor of medicine and head of the Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases. The appointment of Dr. Casanova, who comes to Rockefeller from Hospital Nec...

Tarun Kapoor and Mike Rout receive tenure promotions

by TALLEY HENNING BROWN The Rockefeller University will begin its fall semester with two newly tenured faculty members. The university’s Board of Trustees has approved promotions for Tarun Kapoor, head of the Laboratory of Chemistry and Cell Biology, and Michael P. Rout, head of the Laboratory of...


Awarded: Laura A. Banaszynski, the Angelo Family Fellowship of the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation. Dr. Banaszynski, postdoc in C. David Allis’s Laboratory of Chromatin Biology and Epigenetics, is investigating how histone modifications regulate gene expression and maintain genome stabili...

Clinical immunologist to join Rockefeller University

Jean-Laurent Casanova, a distinguished pediatrician and immunologist, will join the faculty at The Rockefeller University as professor of medicine and head of the Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases in September 2008. Casanova, who comes from Hospital Necker for Sick Children in P...

New evidence of battle between humans and ancient virus

For millennia, humans and viruses have been locked in an evolutionary back-and-forth — one changes to outsmart the other, prompting the second to change and outsmart the first. With retroviruses, which work by inserting themselves into their host’s DNA, the evidence remains in our genes. Last ye...