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Rockefeller announces tenure appointments of two faculty

Rockefeller University president Paul Nurse has announced the tenure promotion of two faculty members. Tarun Kapoor, a researcher in cell division and head of Rockefeller’s Laboratory of Chemistry and Cell Biology, was promoted from associate professor to professor effective February 1. Michael P...

Glia guide brain development in worms

Again and again, experiments confirmed it. Without glia, neurons die. So scientists who wanted to study in living animals what glia — the most abundant brain cells — do for neurons besides keep them alive were out of luck. But now, a breakthrough. A system unveiled and described by Rockefeller U...

New antibiotic beats superbugs at their own game

The problem with antibiotics is that, eventually, bacteria outsmart them and become resistant. But by targeting the gene that confers such resistance, a new drug may be able to finally outwit them. Rockefeller University scientists tested the new drug, called Ceftobiprole, against some of the dea...

Newly identified enzyme treats deadly bacterial infection in mice

By the time antibiotics made their clinical debut 70 years ago, bacteria had long evolved strategies to shield themselves. For billions of years, bacteria hurled toxic molecules at each other in the struggle to prosper, and those that withstood the chemical onslaught marched on. Now, with an upti...

Dividing cells find their middle by following a protein 'contour map'

Self-organization keeps schools of fish, flocks of birds and colonies of termites in sync. It’s also, according to new research, the way cells regulate the final stage of cell division. Scientists at Rockefeller University have shown that a protein-chemistry-based contour map, which helps individ...


The next generation Many of this year’s graduates are moving on to new pursuits outside of Rockefeller University, but this fall, 29 new scientist-scholars will fill the ranks. The university’s screening committee — overseen by the Dean’s Office and including Sean Brady, Hironori Funabiki, C...

Convocation 2008

When The Rockefeller University held its first Convocation in 1959, there were only five graduates. As of June 12, nearly 1,000 scientists are recipients of the Rockefeller University doctor of philosophy degree. This year’s festivities began with a graduate luncheon, followed by a cap-and-gown p...

Honorary degrees go to three Rockefeller alumni

Fedoroff, Hille and Edelman are honored with the university's highest accolade by TALLEY HENNING BROWN Alongside the 26 students who marched in cap and gown to receive their diplomas and graduate hoods on June 12, three Rockefeller alumni returned to the stage where years ago they defended their ...

Rudy Bellani receives this year's David Rockefeller Fellowship

by TALLEY HENNING BROWN When Rudy Bellani filled out only one application for graduate school — to Rockefeller University — his advisers told him he was crazy. “Hundreds of applicants vying for some 20 spots, and me with no backup plan,” says Mr. Bellani. “But my advisers were Rockefeller ...

Gadsby and Muir receive fourth annual teaching awards

by TALLEY HENNING BROWN The faculty of The Rockefeller University have presided over the hypotheses, experiments and thesis defenses of nearly 1,000 students since the beginning of the graduate program in 1955. Before the Convocation ceremony on June 12, two of these mentors were recognized for t...