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Found 37151 matches. Displaying 2231-2240
Perea-Gomez A
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Loss of Cubilin, the intrinsic factor-vitamin B12 receptor, impairs

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019 JUL 15; 9(?):? Article 10168
The visceral endoderm is a polarized epithelial monolayer necessary for
Farfara D, Feierman E, Richards A, Revenko AS, MacLeod RA, Norris EH, Strickland S
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Knockdown of circulating C1 inhibitor induces neurovascular impairment, glial cell activation, neuroinflammation, and behavioral deficits

GLIA 2019 JUL; 67(7):1359-1373
The cross-talk between blood proteins, immune cells, and brain function involves complex mechanisms. Plasma protein C1 inhibitor (C1INH) is an inhibitor of vascular inflammation that is induced by activation of the kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) and the complement system. Knockout of C1INH was previously correlated with peripheral vascular permeability via the bradykinin pathway, yet there was no evidence of its correlation with blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity and brain function. In order to understand the effect of plasma C1INH on brain pathology via the vascular system, we knocked down circulating C1INH in wild-type (WT) mice using an antisense oligonucleotide (ASO), without affecting C1INH expression in peripheral immune cells or the brain, and examined brain pathology. Long-term elimination of endogenous C1INH in the plasma induced the activation of the KKS and peritoneal macrophages but did not activate the complement system. Bradykinin pathway proteins were elevated in the periphery and the brain, resulting in hypotension. BBB permeability, extravasation of plasma proteins into the brain parenchyma, activation of glial cells, and elevation of pro-inflammatory response mediators were detected. Furthermore, infiltrating innate immune cells were observed entering the brain through the lateral ventricle walls and the neurovascular unit. Mice showed normal locomotion function, yet cognition was impaired and depressive-like behavior was evident. In conclusion, our results highlight the important role of regulated plasma C1INH as it acts as a gatekeeper to the brain via the neurovascular system. Thus, manipulation of C1INH in neurovascular disorders might be therapeutically beneficial.
Seo JS
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PLANT U-BOX PROTEIN 10 negatively regulates abscisic acid response in

MYC2 is well known as a positive regulator for abscisic acid (ABA)
Galea S, Vaughan RD
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Public Health, Politics, and the Creation of Meaning: A Public Health of Consequence, July 2019

Poyhonen L, Bustamante J, Casanova JL, Jouanguy E, Zhang Q
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Life-Threatening Infections Due to Live-Attenuated Vaccines: Early Manifestations of Inborn Errors of Immunity (vol 39, pg 376, 2019)

Zhang F, Wei K, Slowikowski K, Fonseka CY, Rao DA, Kelly S, Goodman SM, Tabechian D, Hughes LB, Salomon-Escoto K, Watts GFM, Jonsson AH, Rangel-Moreno J, Meednu N, Rozo C, Apruzzese W, Eisenhaure TM, Lieb DJ, Boyle DL, Mandelin AM, Boyce BF, DiCarlo E, Gravallese EM, Gregersen PK, Moreland L, Firestein GS, Hacohen N, Nusbaum C, Lederer JA, Perlman H, Pitzalis C, Filer A, Holers VM, Bykerk VP, Donlin LT, Anolik JH, Brenner MB, Raychaudhuri S, Albrecht J, Bridges SL, Buckley CD, Buckner JH, Dolan J, Guthridge JM, Gutierrez-Arcelus M, Ivashkiv LB, James EA, James JA, Keegan J, Lee YC, McGeachy MJ, McNamara MA, Mears JR, Mizoguchi F, Nguyen JP, Noma A, Orange DE, Rohani-Pichavant M, Ritchlin C, Robinson WH, Seshadri A, Sutherby D, Seifert J, Turner JD, Utz PJ
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Defining inflammatory cell states in rheumatoid arthritis joint synovial tissues by integrating single-cell transcriptomics and mass cytometry

NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 2019 JUL; 20(7):928-942
To define the cell populations that drive joint inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), we applied single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), mass cytometry, bulk RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and flow cytometry to Tcells, B cells, monocytes, and fibroblasts from 51 samples of synovial tissue from patients with RA or osteoarthritis (OA). Utilizing an integrated strategy based on canonical correlation analysis of 5,265 scRNA-seq profiles, we identified 18 unique cell populations. Combining mass cytometry and transcriptomics revealed cell states expanded in RA synovia: THY1(CD90)(+)HLA-DRA(hi) sublining fibroblasts, IL1B(+) pro-inflammatory monocytes, ITGAX(+)TBX21(+) autoimmune-associated B cells and PDCD1(+) peripheral helper T (T-PH) cells and follicular helper T (T-FH) cells. We defined distinct subsets of CD8(+)Tcells characterized by GZMIK(+), GZMB(+), and GNLY(+) phenotypes. We mapped inflammatory mediators to their source cell populations; for example, we attributed 1L6 expression to THYl(+)HLA-DRA(hi )fibroblasts and IL1B production to pro-inflammatory monocytes. These populations are potentially key mediators of RA pathogenesis.
Frew JW
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Lack of photographic documentation undermines assessment of hidradenitis suppurativa phenotypes: reply from the author

Linked Article: Albrecht et al. Br J Dermatol 2019; 180:749-55.
Piserchio A
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Solution Structure of the Carboxy-Terminal Tandem Repeat Domain of

JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2019 JUL 12; 431(15):2700-2717
Eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase (eEF-2K), an atypical
Rao L
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Molecular mechanism of cytoplasmic dynein tension sensing

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2019 JUL 26; 10(?):? Article 3332
Cytoplasmic dynein is the most complex cytoskeletal motor protein and is
Castner J, Mammen MJ, Jungquist CR, Licata O, Pender JJ, Wilding GE, Sethi S
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Validation of fitness tracker for sleep measures in women with asthma

JOURNAL OF ASTHMA 2019 JUL 3; 56(7):719-730
Objective: Nighttime wakening with asthma symptoms is a key to assessment and therapy decisions, with no gold standard objective measure. The study aims were to (1) determine the feasibility, (2) explore equivalence, and (3) test concordance of a consumer-based accelerometer with standard actigraphy for measurement of sleep patterns in women with asthma as an adjunct to self-report. Methods: Panel study design of women with poorly controlled asthma from a university-affiliated primary care clinic system was used. We assessed sensitivity and specificity, equivalence and concordance of sleep time, sleep efficiency, and wake counts between the consumer-based accelerometer Fitbit Charge (TM) and Actigraph wGT3X+. We linked data between devices for comparison both automatically by 24-hour period and manually by sleep segment. Results: Analysis included 424 938 minutes, 738 nights, and 833 unique sleep segments from 47 women. The fitness tracker demonstrated 97% sensitivity and 40% specificity to identify sleep. Between device equivalence for total sleep time (15 and 42-minute threshold) was demonstrated by sleep segment. Concordance improved for wake counts and sleep efficiency when adjusting for a linear trend. Conclusions: There were important differences in total sleep time, efficiency, and wake count measures when comparing individual sleep segments versus 24-hour measures of sleep. Fitbit overestimates sleep efficiency and underestimates wake counts in this population compared to actigraphy. Low levels of systematic bias indicate the potential for raw measurements from the devices to achieve equivalence and concordance with additional processing, algorithm modification, and modeling. Fitness trackers offer an accessible and inexpensive method to quantify sleep patterns in the home environment as an adjunct to subjective reports, and require further informatics development.