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Ahmad L, Mashbat B, Leung C, Brookes C, Hamad S, Krokowski S, Shenoy AR, Lorenzo L, Levin M, O'Hare P, Zhang SY, Casanova JL, Mostowy S, Sancho-Shimizu V
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Human TANK-binding kinase 1 is required for early autophagy induction upon herpes simplex virus 1 infection

Mann N, Braun DA, Amann K, Tan WZ, Shril S, Connaughton DM, Nakayama M, Schneider R, Kitzler TM, van der Ven AT, Chen J, Ityel H, Vivante A, Majmundar AJ, Daga A, Warejko JK, Lovric S, Ashraf S, Jobst-Schwan T, Widmeier E, Hugo H, Mane SM, Spaneas L, Somers MJG, Ferguson MA, Traum AZ, Stein DR, Baum MA, Daouk GH, Lifton RP, Manzi S, Vakili K, Kim HB, Rodig NM, Hildebrandt F
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Whole-Exome Sequencing Enables a Precision Medicine Approach for Kidney Transplant Recipients

Background Whole-exome sequencing (WES) finds a CKD-related mutation in approximately 20% of patients presenting with CKD before 25 years of age. Although provision of amolecular diagnosis could have important implications for clinical management, evidence is lacking on the diagnostic yield and clinical utility of WES for pediatric renal transplant recipients. Methods To determine the diagnostic yield ofWES in pediatric kidney transplant recipients, we recruited 104 patients who had received a transplant at Boston Children's Hospital from 2007 through 2017, performed WES, and analyzed results for likely deleterious variants in approximately 400 genes known to cause CKD. Results By WES, we identified a genetic cause of CKD in 34 out of 104 (32.7%) transplant recipients. The likelihood of detecting a molecular genetic diagnosis was highest for patients with urinary stone disease (three out of three individuals), followed by renal cystic ciliopathies (seven out of nine individuals), steroidresistant nephrotic syndrome (nine out of 21 individuals), congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (ten out of 55 individuals), and chronic glomerulonephritis (one out of seven individuals). WES also yielded a molecular diagnosis for four out of nine individuals with ESRD of unknown etiology. The WESrelated molecular genetic diagnosis had implications for clinical care for five patients. Conclusions Nearly one third of pediatric renal transplant recipients had a genetic cause of their kidney disease identified by WES. Knowledge of this genetic information can help guide management of both transplant patients and potential living related donors.
Cheng J, Umschweif G, Leung J, Sagi Y, Greengard P
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HCN2 Channels in Cholinergic Interneurons of Nucleus Accumbens Shell Regulate Depressive Behaviors

NEURON 2019 FEB 20; 101(4):662-672.e5
Cholinergic interneurons (ChIs) in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) have been implicated in drug addiction, reward, and mood disorders. However, the physiological role of ChIs in depression has not been characterized. Here, we show that the tonic firing rate of ChIs in NAc shell is reduced in chronic stress mouse models and in a genetic mouse model of depression. Chemogenetic inhibition of NAc ChIs renders naive mice susceptible to stress, whereas enhancement of ChI activity reverses depressive phenotypes. As a component of the molecular mechanism, we found that the expression and function of the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2 (HCN2) are decreased in ChIs of NAc shell in depressed mice. Overexpression of HCN2 channels in ChIs enhances cell activity and is sufficient to rescue depressive phenotypes. These data suggest that enhancement of HCN2 channel activity in NAc ChIs is a feasible approach for the development of a new class of antidepressants.
Bucciol G, Moens L, Bosch B, Bossuyt X, Casanova JL, Puel A, Meyts I
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Lessons learned from the study of human inborn errors of innate immunity

Innate immunity contributes to host defense through all cell types and relies on their shared germline genetic background, whereas adaptive immunity operates through only 3 main cell types, alpha beta T cells, gamma delta T cells, and B cells, and relies on their somatic genetic diversification of antigen-specific responses. Human inborn errors of innate immunity often underlie infectious diseases. The range and nature of infections depend on the mutated gene, the deleteriousness of the mutation, and other ill-defined factors. Most known inborn errors of innate immunity to infection disrupt the development or function of leukocytes other than T and B cells, but a growing number of inborn errors affect cells other than circulating and tissue leukocytes. Here we review inborn errors of innate immunity that have been recently discovered or clarified. We highlight the immunologic implications of these errors.
Zhang L, Peng P, Wu YM, Ma XM, Soe NN, Huang XJ, Wu H, Markowitz M, Meyers K
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Modelling the Epidemiological Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of PrEP for HIV Transmission in MSM in China

AIDS AND BEHAVIOR 2019 FEB; 23(2):523-533
Risk of HIV infection is high in Chinese MSM, with an annual HIV incidence ranging from 3.41 to 13.7/100 person-years. Tenofovir-based PrEP is effective in preventing HIV transmission in MSM. This study evaluates the epidemiological impact and cost-effectiveness of implementing PrEP in Chinese MSM over the next two decades. A compartmental model for HIV was used to forecast the impact of PrEP on number of infections, deaths, and disability-adjusted life years (DALY) averted. We also provide an estimate of the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) and the cost per DALY averted of the intervention. Without PrEP, there will be 1.1-3.0 million new infections and 0.7-2.3 million HIV-related deaths in the next two decades. Moderate PrEP coverage (50%) would prevent 0.17-0.32 million new HIV infections. At Truvada's current price in China, daily oral PrEP costs $46,813-52,008 per DALY averted and is not cost-effective; on-demand Truvada reduces ICER to $25,057-27,838 per DALY averted, marginally cost-effective; daily generic tenofovir-based regimens further reduce ICER to $3675-8963, wholly cost-effective. The cost of daily oral Truvada PrEP regimen would need to be reduced by half to achieve cost-effectiveness and realize the public health good of preventing hundreds of thousands of HIV infections among MSM in China.
Nguyen K, DeSieno MA, Bae B, Johannes TW, Cobb RE, Zhao HM, Nair SK
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Characterization of the flavin monooxygenase involved in biosynthesis of the antimalarial FR-900098

The latter steps in this biosynthetic pathway for the antimalarial phosphonic acid FR-900098 include the installation of a hydroxamate onto 3-aminopropylphosphonate, which is catalyzed by the consecutive actions of an acetyltransferase and an amine hydroxylase. Here, we present the 1.6 A resolution co-crystal structure and accompanying biochemical characterization of FrbG, which catalyzes the hydroxylation of aminopropylphosphonate. We show that FrbG is a flavin-dependent N-hydroxylating monooxygenase (NMO), which shares a similar overall structure with flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMOs). Notably, we also show that the cytidine-5'-monophosphate moiety of the substrate is a critical determinant of specificity, distinguishing FrbG from other FMOs in that the nucleotide cofactor-binding domain also serves in conferring substrate recognition. In the FrbG-FAD+-NADPH co-crystal structure, the C4 of the NADPH nicotinamide is situated near the N5 of the FAD isoalloxazine, and is oriented with a distance and stereochemistry to facilitate hydride transfer.
Saito Y, Yuan Y, Zucker-Scharff I, Fak JJ, Jereb S, Tajima Y, Licatalosi DD, Darnell RB
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Differential NOVA2-Mediated Splicing in Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurons Regulates Cortical Development and Cerebellar Function

NEURON 2019 FEB 20; 101(4):707-720.e5
RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) regulate genetic diversity, but the degree to which they do so in individual cell types in vivo is unknown. We developed NOVA2 cTag-crosslinking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP) to generate functional RBP-RNA maps from different neuronal populations in the mouse brain. Combining cell type datasets from Nova2-cTag and Nova2 conditional knockout mice revealed differential NOVA2 regulatory actions on alternative splicing (AS) on the same transcripts expressed in different neurons. This includes functional differences in transcripts expressed in cortical and cerebellar excitatory versus inhibitory neurons, where we find NOVA2 is required for, respectively, development of laminar structure, motor coordination, and synapse formation. We also find that NOVA2-regulated AS is coupled to NOVA2 regulation of intron retention in hundreds of transcripts, which can sequester the trans-acting splicing factor PTBP2. In summary, cTag-CLIP complements single-cell RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) studies by providing a means for understanding RNA regulation of functional cell diversity.
Malik K, He H, Huynh TN, Tran G, Mueller K, Doytcheva K, Renert-Yuval Y, Czarnowicki T, Magidi S, Chou M, Estrada YD, Wen HC, Peng XY, Xu H, Zheng XZ, Krueger JG, Paller AS, Guttman-Yassky E
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Ichthyosis molecular fingerprinting shows profound T(H)17 skewing and a unique barrier genomic signature

Background: Ichthyoses are a group of rare skin disorders lacking effective treatments. Although genetic mutations are progressively delineated, comprehensive molecular phenotyping of ichthyotic skin could suggest much-needed pathogenesis-based therapy. Objective: We sought to profile the molecular fingerprint of the most common orphan ichthyoses. Methods: Gene, protein, and serum studies were performed on skin and blood samples from 29 patients (congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma, n = 9; lamellar ichthyosis, n = 8; epidermolytic ichthyosis, n = 8; and Netherton syndrome, n = 4), as well as age-matched healthy control subjects (n = 14), patients with psoriasis (n = 30), and patients with atopic dermatitis (AD; n = 16). Results: Using criteria of a fold change of greater than 2 and a false discovery rate of less than 0.05, 132 differentially expressed genes were shared commonly among all ichthyoses, including many IL-17 and TNF-alpha-coregulated genes, which are considered hallmarks of psoriasis (defensin beta 4A, kynureninase, and vanin 3). Although striking upregulation of TH17 pathway genes (IL17F and IL36B/G) resembling that seen in patients with psoriasis was common to all patients with ichthyoses in a severity-related manner, patients with Netherton syndrome showed the greatest T-cell activation (inducible costimulator [ICOS]) and a broader immune phenotype with T(H)1/IFN-gamma, OASL, and T(H)2/IL-4 receptor/IL-5 skewing, although less than seen in patients with AD (all P < .05). Ichthyoses lacked the epidermal differentiation and tight junction alterations of patients with AD (loricrin, filaggrin, and claudin 1) but showed characteristic alterations in lipid metabolism genes (ELOVL fatty acid elongase 3 and galanin), with parallel reductions in extracellular lipids and corneocyte compaction in all ichthyoses except epidermolytic ichthyosis, suggesting phenotypic variations. Transepidermal water loss, a functional barrier measure, significantly correlated with IL-17-regulated gene expression (IL17F and IL36A/IL36B/IL36G). Conclusion: Similar to patients with AD and psoriasis, in whom cytokine dysregulation and barrier impairment orchestrate disease phenotypes, psoriasis-like immune dysregulation and lipid alterations characterize the ichthyoses. These data support the testing of IL-17/IL-36-targeted therapeutics for patients with ichthyosis similar to those used in patients with psoriasis.
Duvall LB, Ramos-Espiritu L, Barsoum KE, Glickman JF, Vosshall LB
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Small-Molecule Agonists of Ae. aegypti Neuropeptide Y Receptor Block Mosquito Biting

CELL 2019 FEB 7; 176(4):687-701.e5
Female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes bite humans to obtain blood to develop their eggs. Remarkably, their strong attraction to humans is suppressed for days after the blood meal by an unknown mechanism. We investigated a role for neuropeptide Y (NPY)-related signaling in long-term behavioral suppression and discovered that drugs targeting human NPY receptors modulate mosquito host-seeking. In a screen of all 49 predicted Ae. aegypti peptide receptors, we identified NPY-like receptor 7 (NPYLR7) as the sole target of these drugs. To obtain small molecule agonists selective for NPYLR7, we performed a high-throughput cell-based assay of 265,211 compounds and isolated six highly selective NPYLR7 agonists that inhibit mosquito attraction to humans. NPYLR7 CRISPR-Cas9 null mutants are defective in behavioral suppression and resistant to these drugs. Finally, we show that these drugs can inhibit biting and blood-feeding on a live host, suggesting a novel approach to control infectious disease transmission by controlling mosquito behavior.
Ishizawa K, Wang Q, Li JP, Yamazaki O, Tamura Y, Fujigaki Y, Uchida S, Lifton RP, Shibata S
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Calcineurin dephosphorylates Kelch-like 3, reversing phosphorylation by angiotensin II and regulating renal electrolyte handling

Calcineurin is a calcium/calmodulin-regulated phosphatase known for its role in activation of T cells following engagement of the T cell receptor. Calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) are widely used as immuno-suppressive agents; common adverse effects of CNIs are hypertension and hyperkalemia. While previous studies have implicated activation of the Na-Cl cotransporter (NCC) in the renal distal convoluted tubule (DCT) in this toxicity, the molecular mechanism of this effect is unknown. The renal effects of CNIs mimic the hypertension and hyperkalemia that result from germ-line mutations in with-no-lysine (WNK) kinases and the Kelch-like 3 (KLHL3)-CUL3 ubiquitin ligase complex. WNK4 is an activator of NCC and is degraded by binding to KLHL3 followed by WNK4's ubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation. This binding is prevented by phosphorylation of KLHL3 at serine 433 (KLHL3(S433-P)) via protein kinase C, resulting in increased WNK4 levels and increased NCC activity. Mechanisms mediating KLHL3(S433-P) dephosphorylation have heretofore been unknown. We now demonstrate that calcineurin expressed in DCT is a potent KLHL3(S433-P) phosphatase. In mammalian cells, the calcium ionophore ionomycin, a calcineurin activator, reduces KLHL3(S433-P) levels, and this effect is reversed by the calcineurin inhibitor tacrolimus and by siRNA-mediated knock-down of calcineurin. In vivo, tacrolimus increases levels of KLHL3(S433-P), resulting in increased levels of WNK4, phosphorylated SPAK, and NCC. Moreover, tacrolimus attenuates KLHL3-mediated WNK4 ubiquitylation and degradation, while this effect is absent in KLHL3 with S433A substitution. Additionally, increased extracellular K+ induced calcineurin-dependent dephosphorylation of KLHL3(S433-P). These findings demonstrate that KLHL3(S433-P) is a calcineurin substrate and implicate increased KLHL3 phosphorylation in tacrolimus-induced pathologies.