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FCRC FY25 User Fees


User fees associated with specific services, instruments, training and/or consultation is provided below.
For budget planning purposes, we strongly encourage you to speak with Resource Center staff in advance of initiating use of the Center.

For illustration purposes only, we provide an example of the cost that a researcher, who requires on-going use of the analyzer over a six-month period, would incur:

  • “Beyond the Basics” Class (required to be approved for autonomous use) =  $216
  • One-time assisted session – $133/hr for 2 hours = $266
  • Autonomous sessions – 2  2-hr session per month @ $59/hr for six months = $1,416
    Total = $1,898


July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025


Sorting and instrument use fees are billed in 15-minute increments. You are urged to book only those hours that you estimate your sort or analysis will require. The rate shown above for sorting applies for the first 50 hours of actual sorting time in any one month by a Laboratory. Additional sorting hours in the same month by the same Laboratory are billed at 25% less. The total fee for any sort is calculated on the booked hours plus any actual time used in excess of the booked hours plus the set-up and clean-up fees described below.

Pre-sort set-up/Post-sort clean-up fees
The total charge for assisted sorting includes an additional flat fee ($76, internal users; $152, external users) to cover the required time for pre-sort/pre-acquisition set-up and post-sort/post-acquisition clean up. Starting from Feb 1st 2025, for unassisted sort on Sony MA900 a one-time charge of $40 applies to cover the cost of consumable components. For sorts of yeast/bacteria, the flat rate is $230 ($460 for external users). For sorts that cannot be run using standard PBS buffer and therefore require changing the buffer, the flat rate is $230 ($460 for external users).

Cancellation and “Booked-Not-Used” Fees for the Instruments

  • No fee will be charged, if the booked time is cancelled more than the time specified for each instrument on the late cancellation policy in the table above.
  • If the booked time is cancelled within the late cancellation policy window (see the Table above), the late cancellation fee will be charged. Note: If the sort is booked for four or more hours, then the full price will be charged for this cancellation.
  • If the booked time on the instrument is not used, “Booked-Not-Used” Fees of 100% of the regular usage rate will be applied.

Note: Please make sure to cancel a booked session to avoid (if cancelled on time) or decrease (in case of late cancellation) the charges! FCRC-PPMS prevents double-charges and in case somebody else used the time, late-cancelled, or booked-not-used by you, the fees will not be applied to your account.


Staff Services and Assistance
FCRC staff assistance could be accessed by submitting the request through FCRC-PPMS system, which includes but not limited to:

  • “Beyond the Basics” Flow Cytometry Class
  • “Ask an Expert” Consultations (Experiment design, Pre-Sort and Sample Preparation Overview, Pre-Hands-On)
  • Cell Sorter Unassisted (Autonomous) User Hands-On Training (Sony MA900)
  • Analyzers Hands-On Training (Cytek Aurora; BD LSR; HTS; Agilent NovoCyte Penteon; ThermoFisher Attune NxT)
  • Instrument Help (Set-up or Troubleshooting)
  • Software Troubleshooting
  • Assisted Data Analysis

Refer to the table above for the fees for these services.


Computer usage

  • Usage of the workstation computers at FCRC is free of charge. The FCRC staff also offers the help with the data analysis with charge (see the Table above).
  • While every effort will be made to schedule changes in usage fees to coincide with the University’s fiscal year and to provide advance notification of such changes, the University reserves the right to modify usage fees at any time and without notice.