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Joseph J. Fins, M.D., D. Hum. Litt., M.A.C.P., F.R.C.P.

Joseph J. Fins, M.D., D. Hum. Litt., M.A.C.P., F.R.C.P. is The E. William Davis, Jr. M.D. Professor of Medical Ethics, Professor of Medicine, and Chief of the Division of Medical Ethics at Weill Cornell Medical College. He is the Director of Medical Ethics at New York-Presbyterian Weill Cornell and co-directs the Consortium for the Advanced Study of Brain Injury at Weill Cornell and Rockefeller University. At Yale Law School he is the Solomon Center Distinguished Scholar in Medicine, Bioethics, and the Law and a Visiting Professor of Law. Dr. Fins was graduated from Wesleyan University and Cornell University Medical College and completed his residency in Internal Medicine and Fellowship in General Internal Medicine at The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. The author of Rights Come to Mind: Brain Injury, Ethics and The Struggle for Consciousness (Cambridge University Press), Dr. Fins’s focus has been on disorders of consciousness and securing the civil and disability rights for individuals with severe brain injury. Dr. Fins is Chair of the Hastings Center Board of Trustees, an elected Member of the National Academy of Medicine, the Association of American Physicians, Alpha Omega Alpha, as well as a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. By Royal Appointment he is an Academico de Honor of the Royal National Academy of Medicine of Spain. Dr. Fins is currently working on a biography of the physician-humanist, Dr. Lewis Thomas.