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Helen S. Bateup

HS BateupB.S., The Pennsylvania State University
The Differential Involvement of Striatonigral and Striatopallidal Neurons in Psychostimulant and Antipsychotic Responses: A Dual Role for DARPP-32
presented by Sidney Strickland (on behalf of Paul Greengard)

Among millions of people who are addicted to different sinful substances, Helen’s addiction is truly unique; Helen is addicted to the molecule that is responsible for making us addicted. As a true and fervent addict, she loves and hates her favorite drug with a molecular weight of 32,000. That is why Helen has dedicated many years of her young life to a systematic mutilation of the addictive molecule DARPP-32. She was rewarded. How many drugs can bring a neuroscientist higher than a paper in Nature Neuroscience? Maybe Nature, maybe Cell, but maybe just a sheer excitement that stems from doing something really interesting and novel? I am sure that all of these sweet rewards are ahead for Helen, who remains solidly addicted to science

She continues to practice science in Bernardo Sabatini’s lab at Harvard University, who luckily got HHMI funding to match Helen’s spending habits that she developed in Paul’s lab. Sabatini will soon realize, however, that Helen, and not HHMI, could be his key to scientific renown. Helen is not only a tireless, courageous and well-spirited investigator, she is also an excellent friend and colleague. We shall miss her in the lab.