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Science Outreach students Theodore Drivas (2006, Gadsby Lab, mentor Attila Gulyas Kovacs) and Christopher Loo (2005–06, Chua Lab, mentors Rafael Catala-Rodriguez and Nam-Hai Chua), semifinalists in the 2007 Intel Science Talent Search.

Jeffrey M. Friedman, the Jessie Stevenson Kovalenko Medal from the National Academy of Sciences, for the discovery of leptin and its function in the mechanisms underlying appetite, energy expenditure and obesity. The award, established in 1952 by a gift of Michael S. Kovalenko in memory of his wife, Jessie Stevenson Kovalenko, is presented every three years for important contributions in the medical sciences. The prize will be presented April 29.

Joshua Lederberg, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, for service to the nation through his scientific achievements and involvement in the public policy of national security. The nation’s highest civil award, the medal is bestowed by the president of the United States, according to a 1963 executive order, on “any person who has made an especially meritorious contribution to: one, the security or national interests of the United States; two, world peace; or three, cultural or other significant public or private endeavor.” Dr. Lederberg, a Nobel laureate for his discovery of genetic recombination and the organization of genetic material in bacteria, has served as an adviser to nine presidential administrations. He was honored at a reception at the White House on December 15.

Ralph M. Steinman, the Debrecen Award for Molecular Medicine 2006, from the Medical and Health Science Center of the University of Debrecen, Hungary.


David D. Ho, an inaugural inductee of the California Hall of Fame, for his pioneering work in the field of HIV/AIDS research. Established in 2006 by California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and first lady Maria Shriver to recognize extraordinary Californians who have made a lasting impact on history, the Hall of Fame is housed in The California Museum for History, Women and the Arts in Sacramento. Dr. Ho was honored with the Spirit of California Medal in a ceremony at the museum on December 6. His accomplishments will be showcased in a permanent museum exhibit.


Origin of Mitochondria and Hydrogenosomes, co-edited by Miklós Müller, who also contributed a chapter, “The Road to Hydrogenosomes.” The book discusses the hypothesis that hydrogenosomes and mitosomes, components of the cells of certain protozoa and fungi, share common ancestry with mitochondria, organelles that convert food molecules into energy in cellular organisms. The book is published by Springer.

The Illustrated Timeline of Science: A Crash Course in Words and Pictures, by Sidney Strickland and his daughter, Eliza Strickland. The book covers a history of milestones in scientific achievement, from the invention of the sewing needle to the first successful heart transplants, spanning over two million years of science and technology. The book is published by Sterling.

Promoted (academic appointments):

Aurel Betz, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, J.E. Darnell Lab.

Stephanie Schneider, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, Hatten Lab.


Jassimuddin Ahamed, research assistant professor, Coller Lab.

Lu Bai, postdoctoral fellow, F. Cross Lab.

Hema Bashyam, science writer, Rockefeller University Press.

Arielle Black, assistant, clinical research support, Hospital Clinical Research Office.

Donna Brassil, clinical research nurse facilitator, Hospital Program Direction.

Ralph Burkhardt, postdoctoral fellow, Breslow Lab.

Elsie Calo, administrative assistant, Laboratory Safety and Environmental Health.

Ting Chen, postdoctoral associate, Fuchs Lab.

Kyle Chiang, postdoctoral associate, Muir Lab.

Amy Conroy, communications and public affairs assistant, Communications and Public Affairs.

William Cortes, custodian, Plant Operations Custodial Services.

Arianne Dowdell-Marshall, director of special events, Communications and Public Affairs.

Lisa Eiland, member of the adjunct faculty, McEwen Lab.

Tishequa Enoch, cashier, Finance Accounting Services.

Meigang Gu, postdoctoral associate, Rice Lab.

Luis Guevara-Diaz, security guard, Security.

Howard Hang, assistant professor, head of laboratory, Hang Lab.

Tim Heidt, electrician, Plant Operations Maintenance Shop.

Mohammed Henry, carpenter, Plant Operations Carpenter Shop.

Adam Intrator, research assistant, Greengard Lab.

Anna Lunemann, postdoctoral fellow, Munz Lab.

Anna Magracheva, research assistant, Ravetch Lab.

Jan Marcusson, visiting professor, Krueger Lab.

Abigail Matthews, visiting fellow, Ott Lab.

Raymond Mendez, porter, Housing Scholars Residence.

Neri Minsky, postdoctoral fellow, Roeder Lab.

Daniver Morales, postdoctoral associate, Hatten Lab.

Michael Mwangi, postdoctoral fellow, Tomasz Lab.

Maija Neville, administrative director, Hospital Administration.

Kwan Ng, Web site builder and programmer, Information Technology.

Frances Nieves, doorperson, Housing Scholars Residence.

Solveig O’Connell, administrative manager, LARC.

Stephanie Pistilli, animal health technician I, LARC.

Serhiy Pylawka, research assistant, Hudspeth Lab.

Aurelian Radu, visiting professor, Blobel Lab.

Anuradha Raghavan, postdoctoral associate, Hang Lab.

Nishath Rehman, research assistant, Robert Darnell Lab.

Daniel Seay, postdoctoral associate, Young Lab.

Navdeep Singh, database administrator, Information Technology.

George Skabardonis, animal technician, Heintz Lab.

Sheyum Syed, postdoctoral associate, Young Lab.

Ayse Tekinay, postdoctoral associate, Heintz Lab.

Aaron Torres, labor journeyman, Plant Operations Carpenter Shop.

This publication lists new hires, retirements, awards and promotions. Staff promotions are listed yearly; academic promotions and appointments are listed monthly. Please send notices of awards to or to Box 68.