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Friday lectures under way

This year’s program, which began September 7, brings 30 speakers from
some of the world’s top universities and institutions to Rockefeller
for the university’s weekly lecture series.

October 5 
Allan C. Spradling
director, department of embryology, Carnegie Institution of Washington
William H. Stein Memorial Lecture

October 12
Blaise Aguera y Arcas
architect, Microsoft Live Labs

October 19
Michael Snyder
chair of molecular, cellular and developmental biology, Yale University
Postdoc Invited Lecture

October 26
Timothy A. Ryan
professor of biochemistry, Weill Medical College of Cornell University
M.D.-Ph.D. Recruitment Lecture

November 2
Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz
principal investigator, cell biology and metabolism branch, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health

November 9
Consuelo de Moraes
associate professor of entomology, Pennsylvania State University

November 16
Nathaniel Heintz
James and Marilyn Simons Professor and head, Laboratory of Molecular
Biology, The Rockefeller University
M.D.-Ph.D. Recruitment Lecture

November 30
Ronald Breaker
associate professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology, Yale University

December 7
Catherine Dulac
Higgins Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University

December 14
Jennifer A. Doudna
professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, University of California, Berkeley

January 4
James Ferrell
professor of biochemistry and chair, chemical and systems biology, Stanford University
Jerry A. Weisbach Memorial Lecture

January 11
Andrew Murray
professor of molecular and cellular biology, Harvard University
Philip Levine Memorial Lecture

January 18
Kevan Shokat
professor and vice chairman of cellular and molecular pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco; assistant professor of chemistry, UC Berkeley

January 25
Elliot M. Meyerowitz
professor and chair, biology division, California Institute of Technology

February 1
David Kingsley
professor of developmental biology, Stanford University
Richard M. Furlaud Distinguished Lecture

February 8
L. David Mech
adjunct professor of fisheries, wildlife and conservation biology, University of Minnesota; senior scientist, biological resources, U.S. Geological Survey

February 15 
Frederick Alt
professor of genetics and pediatrics and scientific director, CBR Institute for Biomedical Research, Harvard University
Ernst A.H. Friedheim Memorial Lecture

February 22
Roger Kornberg
professor, department of structural biology, Stanford University
Joshua A. Lederberg Distinguished Lecture

February 29
Eric Gouaux
principal investigator, Vollum Institute, Oregon Health and Science University

March 7
C. David Allis
Joy and Jack Fishman Professor and head, Laboratory of Chromatin Biology and Epigenetics, The Rockefeller University
Ph.D. Recruitment Lecture

March 14
Stanislas Leibler
Gladys T. Perkin Professor and head, Laboratory of Living Matter, The
Rockefeller University
Ph.D. Recruitment Lecture

March 21
Joseph Takahashi
Walter and Mary Elizabeth Glass Professor, department of neurobiology and physiology, Northwestern University

March 28
Louis Ptacek
John C. Coleman Distinguished Professor in Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of California, San Francisco

April 4
Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences

April 11  
Patricia Kuhl
professor, department of speech and hearing sciences and codirector, Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, University of Washington
Maclyn McCarty Memorial Lecture

April 18
Edvard and May-Britt Moser
codirectors, Kavli Institute for System Neuroscience, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

April 25
Boris Shraiman
professor of theoretical physics, University of California, Santa Barbara

May 2
Evolution Symposium

May 9
Stephen O’Rahilly
professor and head, department of clinical biochemistry and medicine,
University of Cambridge

May 16
Science Symposium in honor of Mary Jeanne Kreek

May 23
James Wells
professor, departments of cellular and molecular pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry, University of California, San Francisco
Cancer Biology Lecture

May 30
David Drubin
head of cell and developmental biology, University of California, Berkeley

June 6
Gary Ruvkun
professor of genetics, Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital