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Sung Hee Ahn-Upton, a Harold M. Weintraub Graduate Student Award from the Basic Sciences Division of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. The award honors the late Harold M. Weintraub, who identified genes responsible for cell differentiation.

C. David Allis, a Gairdner Foundation International Award, for fundamental discoveries that will have impact on human genetic development, cancer and other diseases. The award, which comes with $30,000, will be presented at a gala dinner October 25.

Mary Jeanne Kreek, an honorary doctorate from Tel Aviv University, for her groundbreaking discoveries in the biology of addiction and advancement of international scientific cooperation in the field. The degree was conferred upon Dr. Kreek May 13.

Jeffrey V. Ravetch, the 2007 William B. Coley Award for Distinguished Research in Basic and Tumor Immunology, for his work on Fc receptors, which has led to fundamental discoveries critical to the design of therapeutic antibodies. Dr. Ravetch will receive the award, which was established by the Cancer Research Institute and includes a $5,000 stipend, at an awards dinner June 26.


Titia de Lange and Michel C. Nussenzweig, members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, an independent policy research center founded in 1780 to study complex and emerging problems. Drs. de Lange and Nussenzweig will be inducted October 6.

Albert J. Libchaber and Michael W. Young, members of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Established by a congressional act of incorporation signed by Abraham Lincoln in 1863, the NAS advises the federal government in matters of science and technology.

Promoted (academic appointments):

Sara Buonomo, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, de Lange Lab.

Pedro Domingos, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, Steller Lab.

Tomohiro Ishii, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, Mombaerts Lab.

Mayte Suarez Farinas, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, Krueger Lab.

Anna Upton, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, McKinney Lab.

Shihyun You, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, Rice Lab.

New Hires:

Manuel Ascano Jr., postdoctoral associate, Tuschl Lab.

Nicole Avena, visiting fellow, Leibowitz Lab.

John Bauer, postdoctoral associate, Brady Lab.

Kimberly Bazylewicz, IND specialist and monitor, Hospital Clinical Research Office.

Frada Berenshteyn, research specialist, Brivanlou Lab.

Sylvie Buschlen, visiting professor, Leibowitz Lab.

Rafael Carazo Salas, research associate, Nurse Lab.

Delivette Castor, instructor in clinical investigation, Ho Lab.

Wei-Yi Chen, postdoctoral fellow, Roeder Lab.

Frank Colosi, mechanic I, Plant Operations Maintenance Shop.

Fang Fang, research assistant, Auerbach Lab.

Terry Fang, postdoctoral fellow, Tarakhovsky Lab.

Silvia Frutos Dominguez, postdoctoral associate, Muir Lab.

LaJuan Gordon, animal attendant, LARC.

Thomas Haines, member of the adjunct faculty, Sakmar Lab.

Scott Hansen, postdoctoral associate, MacKinnon Lab.

Mohamed Hassan, gardener, Plant Operations Grounds.

William Haughey, watch engineer, Plant Operations Power House.

Chunsheng He, postdoctoral associate, Ott Lab.

Anna Jakubiec, postdoctoral fellow, Chua Lab.

Jung-heon Jo, research assistant, Steinman Lab.

Stefan Juranek, postdoctoral associate, Tuschl Lab.

Anna Kaczynska, animal technician, Hudspeth Lab.

Sarah Kraft, assistant to the finance director, The Rockefeller University Press.

Janelle Kuroiwa, research assistant, Steinman Lab.

Natasha Levenkova, scientific programmer, Hospital Informatics.

Elizabeth Londono, clinical research recruitment specialist, Hospital Clinical Research Office.

Louis Lucas, member of the adjunct faculty, McEwen Lab.

Lawrence Marcelle, assistant telecommunications technician, Telecommunications Services.

Katherine McLean, administrative assistant, Leibler Lab.

Dorothy Melia, clinical research nurse, Kreek Lab.

Jessica Mendez, animal attendant, LARC.

Simon Geir Moller, member of the adjunct faculty, Chua Lab.

Margarita Morante, security guard, Security.

Jorge Ortiz, data entry clerk, Hospital Program Direction.

Mee Sook Park, postdoctoral associate, O’Donnell Lab.

Richard Pomerantz, postdoctoral associate, O’Donnell Lab.

Christine Ponder, postdoctoral associate, Young Lab.

Maritza Puello, administrative assistant, CTSA, Hospital Administration.

Devin Ramdhani, purchasing systems analyst, Purchasing.

Cristina Rosas Gomez, postdoctoral associate, Rice Lab.

Justine Schober, visiting professor, Pfaff Lab.

Kimberly Schwabe, research assistant, Heintz Lab.

Antonio Scotto Di Carlo, research assistant, Strickland Lab.

Rajiv Shah, research assistant, Heintz Lab.

Alicia Sicangco, clinical research nurse, Hospital Nursing Outpatient.

George Smith, mail room clerk, Mail Room.

Che Rin Sohn, laboratory manager, Tuschl Lab.

Bryant Straughter, animal attendant, LARC.

Koji Suda, research associate, Steinman Lab.

Ayako Takeuchi, postdoctoral associate, Gadsby Lab.

Joby Thomas, payroll applications developer, Information Technology.

Ravi Tolwani, associate vice president, LARC.

Neilawattie Torres, research assistant, Rice Lab.

Nicole Van Poppel, postdoctoral associate, Brivanlou Lab.

Bregtje Wallach, assistant, Occupational Health Services.

Monique Walton, animal attendant, LARC.

Gang Wang, postdoctoral associate, Allis Lab.

Sebastian N. White, member of the adjunct faculty, Goulianos Lab.

Yu-Ren Yuan, member of the adjunct faculty, Chua Lab.

Christian Zierhut, postdoctoral fellow, Funabiki Lab.

Elizabeth Zuniga, animal attendant, LARC.

This publication lists new hires, retirements, awards and promotions. Staff promotions are listed yearly; academic promotions and appointments are listed monthly.