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Jürg Ott, the Medal of Honor of the German Society for Human Genetics. The medal, given in recognition of scientific achievements and significant contributions to the field of human genetics made by individual geneticists, is the society’s highest honor.

Torsten N. Wiesel, the 2005 National Medal of Science. Established in 1959, the award goes to individuals deserving of special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to knowledge in the physical, biological, mathematical, engineering or social and behavioral sciences. The National Medal of Science is America’s highest honor for scientific achievement. The award was announced by the White House May 30.


Darwin H. Stapleton, a founding trustee of the Herman J. Albrecht Library of Historical Architecture at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. The library was established this year by an endowment created by Mr. Albrecht and will be housed in the university’s William Oxley Thompson Library.

Michael W. Young, a fellow in the American Academy of Microbiology. Fellowship in the academy is based on scientific achievement and original contributions that have advanced microbiology. Dr. Young was chosen for his work on the interactions between genes and their proteins in the daily rhythmatic activities of fruit flies, and the similarities that carry throughout the animal kingdom.

Promotions (Academic Appointments):

Wei Chen, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, Roeder Lab.

Anu Daniel, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, Fischetti Lab.

Marina Fix, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, Simon Lab.

Hoang Nguyen, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, Fuchs Lab.

Shai Shaham, to associate professor head of laboratory, Shaham Lab.


Esteban Araya, research assistant, Heintz Lab.

Amanda Blanchard, animal health technician, LARC.

Suzette Brown, laboratory helper, Greengard Lab.

Vanessa Bryant, postdoctoral associate, Ravetch Lab.

Elizabeth Cedars, research assistant, Greengard Lab.

Judi Chang, administrative assistant, Wiesel Lab.

Michela Di Virgilio, postdoctoral associate, Nussenzweig Lab.

Carine Douarche, postdoctoral fellow, Libchaber Lab.

Jennifer Estevez, administrative assistant, Ott Lab.

Javier Fernandez Martinez, postdoctoral associate, Rout Lab.

Adam Forman, manager, intellectual property, Technology Transfer.

Rita Gandhi, postdoctoral fellow, de Lange Lab.

Gabriel Gasque Martinez, postdoctoral associate, Vosshall Lab.

Juana Gonzalez, immunomonitoring specialist, Hospital Program Direction.

Erin Harkey, special events coordinator, Communications and Public Affairs.

Amanda Harrington, research assistant, Coller Lab.

Emma Hill, executive editor, JCB, The Rockefeller University Press.

Bartek Jablonski, laboratory manager, Greengard Lab.

Ulrike Kaunzner, postdoctoral associate, McEwen Lab.

Nickolay Khazanov, scientific programmer, Hospital Informatics.

Isabel Kurth, postdoctoral fellow, O’Donnell Lab.

Douglas Londono, postdoctoral associate, Ott Lab.

Allison Maurice, animal health technician, LARC.

Edward McGay, watch engineer, Plant Operations Power House.

Hugo Mouquet, postdoctoral associate, Nussenzweig Lab.

Peter Moyle, postdoctoral associate, Muir Lab.

Patricia Mullen, administrative assistant, Ravetch Lab.

Michel Noverre, laboratory administrator, Hatten Lab.

Joseph Palarca, laboratory technician, Rice Lab.

Skye Rasmussen, postdoctoral fellow, LARC.

Jonathan Rivera, animal technician I, Heintz Lab.

Alessandro Rosa, postdoctoral associate, Brivanlou Lab.

Jessica Rothschild, Web communications specialist, Communications and Public Affairs.

Jean-Pierre Roussarie, postdoctoral associate, Greengard Lab.

Toru Sengoku, postdoctoral fellow, Roeder Lab.

Benjamin Snyder, scientific programmer, Bargmann Lab.

Tingting Song, biostatistical programmer, Hospital Biostatistics.

Jennifer Spada, Web content specialist, Hospital Informatics.

Lin Zeng, research assistant, Coller Lab.

Peter Zervos, grants accountant, Finance Accounting Services.

Haiying Zhang, postdoctoral associate, Fuchs Lab.

This publication lists new hires, retirements, awards and promotions. Staff promotions are listed yearly; academic promotions and appointments are listed monthly.