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Jan L. Breslow, the 2008 Senior Scholar in Aging Award from The Ellison Medical Foundation, for a project to determine the link between the nuclear hormone receptor PXR and aging processes. Dr. Breslow is head of the Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics and Metabolism.

Michela Di Virgilio and Ivan Marazzi, American-Italian Cancer Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowships, in the amount of $35,000 each. Dr. Di Virgilio is postdoctoral associate in Michel C. Nussenzweig’s Laboratory of Molecular Immunology. Dr. Marazzi is a postdoctoral fellow in Alexander Tarakhovsky’s Laboratory of Lymphocyte Signaling.

Howard C. Hang, an Exploratory/Development Grant from the National Institutes of Health. The grant, in the amount of $337,083, is for a project on chemical reporters for the analysis of lysine methylation in epigenetics. Dr. Hang is head of the Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Microbial Pathogenesis.

David D. Ho, an honorary doctor of science degree from the University of Hong Kong, for his research and advocacy in the cause of HIV/AIDS victims. The degree was awarded at the university’s 179th convocation ceremony, December 4. Dr. Ho, who is scientific director and CEO of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, is one of three honorees this year, with President William J. Clinton and Yao Ming of the Houston Rockets.

Barbara Juncosa, a Robert D. Watkins Graduate Research Fellowship from the American Society for Microbiology, for her work on the streptococcal adaptive response to the host cell environment. The fellowship, which comes with a $21,000 annual stipend for three years, was established to increase the number of graduate students from underrepresented groups completing doctoral degrees in the microbiological sciences. Ms. Juncosa, a student in Vincent A. Fischetti’s Laboratory of Bacterial Pathogenesis and Immunology, is one of five winners this year.

Tom W. Muir, a 2008 Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists from the New York Academy of Sciences. The award, established last year with funds from the Blavatnik Charitable Foundation, comes with an unrestricted cash prize of $25,000. Dr. Muir, who is head of the Selma and Lawrence Ruben Laboratory of Synthetic Protein Chemistry, was one of three faculty winners announced at the NYAS Science and the City Gala on November 17.

President Paul Nurse, a 2008 Global Creative Leadership Award from the Louise Blouin Foundation, presented at a gala dinner and ceremony September 21. The foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing challenges in diverse areas including international trade, foreign policy, education and the environment.

Paul Nurse, a 2008 Science and the City Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in New York City from the New York Academy of Sciences. Dr. Nurse, head of the Laboratory of Yeast Genetics and Cell Biology, was honored at the annual Science and the City Gala.

Michel C. Nussenzweig, a 2008 Lee C. Howley Sr. Prize for Arthritis Research from the Arthritis Foundation. Dr. Nussenzweig, head of the Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, is awarded for his contributions to the fields of B cell development and dendritic cell function, which have provided important insights into the etiology of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and have paved the way for the development of novel therapies for the treatment of these diseases.

Jürg Ott, the 2008 Ming Tsuang Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. The award was presented at the World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics in Osaka, Japan, in October. Dr. Ott is head of the Laboratory of Statistical Genetics.


Alexandre Bolze, visiting student, Casanova Lab.

Robert Borek, animal attendant, Comparative Bioscience Center.

Fana Campbell, grants management specialist, Sponsored Research and Program Development.

Brianna Caszatt, copy editor, The Rockefeller University Press.

Emily Conrad, development assistant, Development.

Amandine Crequer, visiting student, Casanova Lab.

Shulin Deng, visiting student, Chua Lab.

Nelson Eusebio, administrative assistant, Steinman Lab.

David Frescas, postdoctoral fellow, de Lange Lab.

Dustin Gerding, administrative assistant, Development.

Lauren Glenz, laboratory manager, Breslow Lab.

Charlene Graham, office assistant, Nussenzweig Lab.

Hedy Grinspan, grants management specialist, Sponsored Research and Program Development.

Yiqi Guo, visiting student, Casanova Lab.

Amy Hansen, visiting student, Tuschl Lab.

Melina Herman, visiting student, Casanova Lab.

Allison Hornung, visiting student, Pfaff Lab.

Shalini Jaiswal, research assistant, Brivanlou Lab.

Daniel Johnson, postdoctoral associate, Simon Lab.

Anna-Carina Jungkamp, visiting student, Tuschl Lab.

Sudhir Kashyap, postdoctoral associate, Kapoor Lab.

Eleni Katifori, fellow in physics and biology, Center for Theoretical Studies.

Xiaofei Kong, visiting student, Casanova Lab.

John LaCava, postdoctoral associate, Rout Lab.

Ronald Liebman, laboratory manager, Casanova Lab.

Rivky Lindauer, clinical research nurse, Hospital Nursing Outpatient.

Steven Mielke, visiting fellow, Mauzerall Lab.

Joshua Mincer, visiting fellow, Simon Lab.

Kathy Mu, research assistant, Rice Lab.

Brett Norman, science writer, Communications and Public Affairs.

Andres Ortiz, watch engineer, Plant Operations Power House.

John Pietzsch, visiting student, Nussenzweig Lab.

Anna Puszynska, foreign research intern, Nurse Lab.

Andrea Quijano, electronic resources librarian, Library.

Smriti Rao, research assistant, Program for the Human Environment.

Christine Remmers, research assistant, Greengard Lab.

Andrew Richards, electrical helper, Plant Operations Maintenance Shop.

Maria Ryder, visiting fellow, Tomasz Lab.

Thomas Stepanchak, associate director, Plant Operations Office.

Rita Sullivan, news production coordinator, The Rockefeller University Press.

Alexander Ulrich, visiting student, Tuschl Lab.

Kunihiro Uryu, senior research associate, Office of Academic Affairs, and director, Electron Microscopy Resource Center.

Amaranta Viera, science outreach coordinator, Dean’s Office.

Aryeh Warmflash, postdoctoral associate, Siggia Lab.

Albert Weixlbaumer, postdoctoral associate, Darst Lab.

Peng Yuan, postdoctoral associate, MacKinnon Lab.

Shen-Ying Zhang, instructor in clinical investigation, Casanova Lab.

Shusheng Zhang, postdoctoral associate, Steinman Lab.

This publication lists new hires, awards and promotions. Staff promotions are listed yearly; academic promotions and appointments are
listed monthly.