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Laura Banaszynski, a 2009 Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education in Chemistry, from the American Chemical Society.

Matthew Evans, Valerie Horsley, Andreas Keller and Tom W. Muir, finalists in the Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists competition. Dr. Evans, a postdoc in Charles M. Rice’s Laboratory of Virology and Infectious Disease, Dr. Horsley, a postdoc in Elaine Fuchs’s Laboratory of Mammalian Cell Biology and Development, and Dr. Keller, a research associate in Leslie B. Vosshall’s Laboratory of Neurogenetics and Behavior, were named in the postdoctoral competition. They each receive $5,000 and go on to compete for an additional $10,000. Dr. Muir, head of the Selma and Lawrence Ruben Laboratory of Synthetic Protein Chemistry, is a faculty finalist. He receives $10,000 and goes on to compete for an additional $15,000.

Michelle Lowes, a Clinical Scientist Development Award from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. The award provides $135,000 a year for three years.

Fernando Nottebohm, a 2008 McKnight Technological Innovations in Neuroscience Award, for work that aims to develop a technique for creating transgenic songbirds. Dr. Nottebohm, head of the Laboratory of Animal Behavior, is one of four recipients of the prize, which comes with $200,000 over two years.


Margaret R. MacDonald, a member of the Virology-B Study Section of the Center for Scientific Review at the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. MacDonald is a research associate professor in David D. Ho’s Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center laboratory and in Charles Rice’s Laboratory of Virology and Infectious Disease.


Michael Aikins, campus porter, Housing Student Dormitories.

Daniel Alexander, administrative assistant, Investments.

Steven Alfano, senior systems administrator, Information Technology.

Peter Alff, postdoctoral associate, Papavasiliou Lab.

Niroshana Anandasabapathy, postdoctoral fellow, Steinman Lab.

Jessica Baylan, research assistant, Leibowitz Lab.

Amanda Beck, postdoctoral associate, Comparative Bioscience Center.

Marie-Madeline Cals-Grierson, visiting scientist, Blobel Lab.

Graciela Cardenas-Castro, wireless administrator, Telecommunications Services.

Dorothy Carter, research assistant, Hatten Lab.

Abbie Casper, postdoctoral associate, Gaul Lab.

Rohit Chandwani, instructor in clinical investigation, Tarakhovsky Lab.

Andrea Chiricozzi, postdoctoral fellow, Krueger Lab.

Jorge Class, animal attendant, Comparative Bioscience Center.

Genevieve Cody, research assistant, Heintz Lab.

Samuel Cross, research assistant, MacKinnon Lab.

Durga Dandamudi, research assistant, Steinman Lab.

Jan Davidson-Moncada, instructor in clinical investigation, Papavasiliou Lab.

Johannes Decker, research assistant, Rice Lab.

Gina Dipiero, teacher, Child and Family Center.

Yair Dorsett, postdoctoral associate, Nussenzweig Lab.

Ljiljana Dukanovic, research assistant, Blobel Lab.

Chandra Egger, laboratory administrator, Allis Lab.

Mary Frandson, administrative assistant, Strickland Lab.

Maria Frias, postdoctoral associate, Robert Darnell Lab.

Hideki Fujita, senior research associate, Krueger Lab.

Theresa Gaasterland, visiting professor, Nottebohm Lab.

Christopher Gafuik, postdoctoral associate, Steller Lab.

Lalena Garcia, head teacher, Child and Family Center.

Valeriya Gaysinskaya, research assistant, Rice Lab.

Fraser Glickman, director, High Throughput Screening Resource Center, and research assistant professor, Office of Academic Affairs.

Andrew Gordus, postdoctoral associate, Bargmann Lab.

Kolbe Hancock, research assistant, Greengard Lab.

Doeke Hekstra, postdoctoral associate, Leibler Lab.

Jason Holtham, circulation assistant, The Rockefeller University Press.

Mia Horowitz, visiting professor, Steller Lab.

Nelson Humala, laboratory technician, Ravetch Lab.

Rebecca Iverson, development assistant, Development.

Eugene Jackson, security guard, Security.

Emmanuelle Jordi, visiting student, Greengard Lab.

Choonkyun Jung, postdoctoral fellow, Chua Lab.

Shreya Kamath, research assistant, Darst Lab.

Fred Kamintzky, security guard, Security.

Maria Divina Laya, accountant, Finance Controllers Office.

Jooyun Lee, instructor in clinical investigation, Coller Lab.

Sarah Lee, development assistant, Development.

Anthony Licausi, electrical helper, Plant Operations Maintenance Shop.

Emily Mandel, office administrator, Technology Transfer.

Maria Maningat, instructor in clinical investigation, Breslow Lab.

Andreas Mauer, instructor in clinical investigation, Coller Lab.

Amy Maxmen, science writer, The Rockefeller University Press.

Shelby Moore, administrative assistant, Comparative Bioscience Center.

Mathias Munschauer, foreign research intern, Tuschl Lab.

Gen Murakami, postdoctoral associate, Pfaff Lab.

Charles Nakar, visiting fellow, Coller Lab.

Peter Olds, research assistant, Steinman Lab.

Hilleary Osheroff, postdoctoral associate, Hatten Lab.

Naoki Oshimori, postdoctoral fellow, Fuchs Lab.

Benjamin Otopalik, research assistant, Heintz Lab.

Mina Pastagia, instructor in clinical investigation, Fischetti Lab.

Chandrika Patel, data entry assistant, Finance Controllers Office.

Alex Pitts-Kiefer, visiting student, Krueger Lab.

Katya Prakash, research assistant, Vosshall Lab.

Ljiljana Radovcic, teacher, Child and Family Center.

Steven Reisenweber, research assistant, de Lange Lab.

Nicholas Riedinger, helpdesk and computer support specialist, Information Technology.

Teresa Rivera, visiting student, Funabiki Lab.

Olympia A. Robinson, assistant director, Child and Family Center.

Evon Rodriques, security guard, Security.

Jacob Rosenberg, research assistant, Steinman Lab.

Dibyendu Roy, senior Oracle payroll analyst, Information Technology.

Ingrid Salas, medical staff services coordinator, Hospital Regulatory Affairs.

Andrew Schile, postdoctoral associate, Steller Lab.

Jessica Spitzer, postdoctoral associate, Tuschl Lab.

Sriram, postdoctoral associate, Leibler Lab.

Devendra Srivastava, postdoctoral associate, Darst Lab.

Magali Suzanne, visiting scientist, Steller Lab.

Melvin White, animal attendant, Comparative Bioscience Center.

Jeanette Wickelgren, research assistant, Shaham Lab.

Andrew Williams, research assistant, Simon Lab.

Shawniqua Williams, visiting medical student, Coller Lab.

Maria Woloshyn, analyst, Investments.

Jongchan Woo, postdoctoral fellow, Chua Lab.

Andy Yuan, research assistant, Hang Lab.

Chaolin Zhang, postdoctoral associate, Robert Darnell Lab.

Juliet Zhang, research assistant, Heintz Lab.

Promoted (academic appointments):

In-Cheol Jang, to research associate, Chua Lab.

Abigail Matthews, to senior research associate, Ott Lab.

Claudia Mertens, to senior research associate, James Darnell Lab.

Andrew Xiao, to research associate, Allis Lab.

Promoted (staff):

Jennifer Ashlock, to university print production specialist, Communications and Public Affairs.

Alexander Cardia, to development assistant II, Development.

Kin Ming Cheung, to assistant director plant operations finances, Plant Operations.

Jacqueline Chiappetta, to administrative coordinator, Steinman Lab.

Camille Clowery, to copy editing coordinator, The Rockefeller University Press.

Amy Conroy, to special events coordinator, Communications and Public Affairs.

William Cortes, to mechanic III, Plant Operations Power House.

Sylvia Cuadrado, to senior manuscript coordinator, The Rockefeller University Press.

Kelsey Dixon, to development associate, Development.

Fay Dmitriev, to senior applications programmer, Information Technology.

Brian Dougherty, to board relations and academic programs associate, Corporate Secretary.

Alice Dyer, to supervisor of glasswashing services, Glasswashing Services.

Kennisha Farrell, to project coordinator, Telecommunications Services.

Carlen Gelfond, to development associate, Development.

Evan Greene, to assistant director, Development.

Talley Henning Brown, to associate editor, Communications and Public Affairs.

Lindsey Hollander, to supervising manuscript coordinator, The Rockefeller University Press.

Angela Howell, to skilled laboratory helper, Glasswashing Services.

Jennifer Jackson, to program assistant, Sponsored Research and Program Development.

Sachin Kadam, to assistant safety officer, Laboratory Safety and Environmental Health.

Nina Kats, to purchasing agent, Purchasing.

Artemis Khatcherian, to research specialist, Krueger Lab.

Sergey Khomuk, to Oracle technical financial lead, Information Technology.

Christine Lai, to research assistant, Heintz Lab.

Naomi Lingenhol, to assistant manager, Comparative Bioscience Center.

Kimberly Lovelace, to associate director, Investments.

Lu A. Lu, to research support specialist, Transgenic Services.

Christopher Maurio, to human resources associate, Human Resources.

Valentina Mazharov, to project manager, Planning and Construction.

Alison North, to senior director, Bio-Imaging Resource Center.

Inna Novitskaya, to research specialist, Krueger Lab.

Shauna O’Garro, to production editor, The Rockefeller University Press.

Barbara O’Sullivan, to medical director, Hospital Medical Direction.

Joseph Palarca, to research assistant, Rice Lab.

Evagelia Papadimas, to administrative assistant, Young Lab.

Sudeep Sree Parambath Sreedharan, to senior financials applications developer, Information Technology.

Santa Pecoraro, to administrative manager, Rice Lab.

Karl Ramos, to senior manuscript coordinator, The Rockefeller University Press.

Jason Rothauser, to assistant production editor, The Rockefeller University Press.

Irina Shimeliovich, to research specialist, Steinman Lab.

John Slattery, to mechanic I, Plant Operations Power House.

Laura Smith, to senior preflight coordinator, The Rockefeller University Press.

Nicole Stokes, to laboratory manager, Fuchs Lab.

Brenna Trout, to development assistant II, Development.

Christopher Vancil, to identity management and business process engineer, Information Technology.

Svetlana Zarubina, to applications development manager, Information Technology.

Peter Zervos, to senior grants accountant, Finance Accounting Services.

Lili Zhang, to office administrator, Rice Lab.

This publication lists new hires, awards and promotions. Staff promotions are listed yearly; academic promotions and appointments are
listed monthly.