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Laura A. Banaszynski, the Angelo Family Fellowship of the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation. Dr. Banaszynski, postdoc in C. David Allis’s Laboratory of Chromatin Biology and Epigenetics, is investigating how histone modifications regulate gene expression and maintain genome stability, work that could have significant implications for cancer diagnosis and therapeutics. Dr. Banaszynski is one of 16 postodoctoral fellows named by the foundation this year.

Paul Greengard, a Distinguished Investigator Award from NARSAD, to advance his studies on antipsychotic drugs used in the treatment of schizophrenia. The prize, a one-year grant of $100,000, was announced April 3. Dr. Greengard is Vincent Astor Professor and head of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience.

Howard Hang, a 2008 Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholar Award. With the grant, which provides $100,000 a year for four years, Dr. Hang will study the molecular mechanisms by which particular genes regulate aging. The New Scholar program supports young investigators engaged in aging research who are in the first three years of their independent research. Dr. Hang is head of the Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Microbial Pathogenesis.

Laboratory of Sensory Neuroscience and AKF Engineers, a 2008 Honor Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC). A. James Hudspeth’s new laboratory on the first floor of Detlev W. Bronk Laboratory was designed around an isolation test chamber that absorbs ambient noise and shields magnetic fields. The room, designed by AKF Engineers, enables experiments on sensitive ear hair-cell bundles that otherwise could not be performed. ACEC judges projects on originality and technical, economic and social value.


Paul Bieniasz and Leslie B. Vosshall, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigators. The researchers are among 56 new investigators named by HHMI. Dr. Bieniasz is head of Rockefeller’s Laboratory of Retrovirology and associate professor at the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center; Dr. Vosshall is head of the Laboratory of Neurogenetics and Behavior. The new appointments bring the total number of HHMI investigators at Rockefeller to 14.

Peter Marler, a foreign member of The Royal Society, for his work elucidating mechanisms of the development of behavior and the brain, especially his studies on the development of bird song. Dr. Marler, professor emeritus of Rockefeller University, was elected May 16 as one of eight new foreign members. The Royal Society includes 1,344 fellows and 135 foreign members.

Promoted (academic appointments):

Karina Del Punta, from postdoctoral associate to research assistant professor, Heintz Lab.

Michael Ginsberg, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, J. Darnell Lab.

Myriam Heiman, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, Greengard Lab.

Fei Ji, from research associate to senior research associate, Ott Lab.

Miki Jishage, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, Roeder Lab.

Hilda Amalia Pasolli, from research assistant professor to research associate professor, Fuchs Lab.


Hyung Jin Ahn, postdoctoral associate, Strickland Lab.

Olaoluwakitan Awolesi, research assistant, Kreek Lab.

Melanie Ayerh, research assistant, Shaham Lab.

Adrian Baule, postdoctoral associate, E.G.D. Cohen Lab.

Vladimir Baytshtok, research assistant, Blobel Lab.

Sarah Bhagat, research assistant, McEwen Lab.

Nitin Bhatia, database administrator, Information Technology.

Michel Bornens, visiting professor, Nurse Lab.

Juan Cabello, custodian, Plant Operations Custodial Services.

Jared Cassin, research assistant, Kreek Lab.

Richard Chahwan, postdoctoral associate, Tarakhovsky Lab.

Ming Cheng, postdoctoral associate, Coller Lab.

Aruna Cuenot, associate director, Development.

Andrew Davenport, research assistant, Blobel Lab.

Niklas Feldhahn, postdoctoral associate, Nussenzweig Lab.

Shili Feng, research assistant, Darst Lab.

Amelie Forest, research assistant, Rice Lab.

Susana Gardete, postdoctoral fellow, Tomasz Lab.

Adriana Garzon, research assistant, Funabiki Lab.

Angel Gomez, porter, Housing Scholars Residence.

Zachary Gottlieb, research assistant, Heintz Lab.

Jillian Gregoire, copy editor, The Rockefeller University Press.

Megan Holz, research assistant, Rice Lab.

Yi Chen Hsieh, research assistant, Vosshall Lab.

Ya-Chieh Hsu, postdoctoral associate, Fuchs Lab.

Margarita Kats, research assistant, Heintz Lab.

Robert Ketting, visiting student, Rout Lab.

Mayumi Kibe, research assistant, Ravetch Lab.

Marie Knockaert, research associate, Brivanlou Lab.

Alex Kotlyar, research assistant, Tuschl Lab.

Seung Lee, research support associate, Genomics Resource Center.

Edson Leon, receiving clerk, Purchasing.

Ling Li, research assistant, Young Lab.

Sarah Maguire, research assistant, McEwen Lab.

Lemuel Mansingh, animal technician, Heintz Lab.

John Marshall, research assistant, Greengard Lab.

Daviana Martinez-Osorio, research assistant, Heintz Lab.

Brian Millan, clinical research nurse, Hospital Nursing Inpatient.

Jorge Morales, mechanic I, Plant Operations Maintenance Shop.

Matthias Muellenbeck, visiting student, Nussenzweig Lab.

Michael Murphy, security operations manager, Security.

Martina Mustroph, research assistant, Greengard Lab.

Sarasija Naini, research assistant, Coller Lab.

Tomoyoshi Nakadai, postdoctoral associate, Roeder Lab.

Damion Nicholson, porter, Housing Scholars Residence.

Jeffrey Nusbaum, research assistant, Tuschl Lab.

Yijun Ou, research associate, Nussenzweig Lab.

Daniel Reuman, visiting assistant professor, J. Cohen Lab.

Rebecca Rizzo, laboratory administrator, Tarakhovsky Lab.

Megan Robblee, research assistant, Breslow Lab.

Caryne Roey, clinical research recruitment specialist, Hospital Clinical Research Office.

Vincent Romano, animal attendant, CBC.

Ronen Sadeh, postdoctoral associate, Allis Lab.

Bianca Santomasso, postdoctoral associate, R. Darnell Lab.

Steven Schutzer, member of the adjunct faculty, Krueger Lab.

Miho Shimada, postdoctoral associate, Roeder Lab.

Louisa Thompson, research assistant, McEwen Lab.

Megan van Overbeek, postdoctoral associate, de Lange Lab.

Corstiaen Versteegh, foreign research intern, Hudspeth Lab.

Gabriel Victora, visiting student, Nussenzweig Lab.

Clifford Wasser, director, Bridges to Better Medicine initiative, Development.

Matthew Whorton, postdoctoral associate, MacKinnon Lab.

Zhu Xue, research assistant, Roeder Lab.

Irene Yaroslavsky, postdoctoral associate, Leibowitz Lab.

Gaylord Young, animal attendant, CBC.

Gheorghita Zbaganu, visiting associate professor, J. Cohen Lab.

Margaret Zellner, postdoctoral associate, Pfaff Lab.

This publication lists new hires, retirements, awards and promotions. Staff promotions are listed yearly; academic promotions and appointments are listed monthly.