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Sean Brady, a 2007 Beckman Young Investigator Award, for his work in the discovery and study of naturally occurring small molecules and their therapeutic potential. The award, which comes with a grant of approximately $300,000, was established in 1991 by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation to acknowledge the contributions of tenure-track scientists in the early stage of their research careers.

Joel E. Cohen, the 2007 Pardee Distinguished Lecture from Boston University.

Mitchell J. Feigenbaum, the 2008 Dannie Heinemann Prize for Mathematical Physics. Awarded by the American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics, the prize recognizes outstanding publications in the field of mathematical physics. The award, which comes with $7,500, will be presented to Dr. Feigenbaum in New Orleans in March.


In honor of Christian de Duve’s 90th birthday this month, the Institute of Cellular Pathology in Leuven, Belgium — where Dr. de Duve conducted some of his Nobel Prize-winning research in the structure and functional organization of the cell — has been renamed the Christian de Duve Institute of Cellular Pathology.

Jeffrey V. Ravetch, a member of the Institute of Medicine. Established in 1970 as a unit of the National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Medicine was founded for the protection and advancement of the biomedical sciences and health professions. The election was announced October 8.

Promotions (academic appointments):

Ilaria Ceglia, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, Greengard Lab.

David H. Chang, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, Dhodapkar Lab.

John Chuang, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, Leibler Lab.

Maxwell Heiman, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, Shaham Lab.

Hong Wang, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, Greengard Lab.


Brigitte Arduini, postdoctoral associate, Brivanlou Lab.

Christopher Bare, research support specialist, Flow Cytometry Resource Center.

Christine Brocia, animal technician, Greengard Lab.

Robert Bronstein, research assistant, Strickland Lab.

Gila Budescu, director of sponsored research and program development, Sponsored Programs Administration.

Alexander J. Cardia, development assistant I, Development.

Marie Chen, research assistant, Tarakhovsky Lab.

Tijana Copf, postdoctoral fellow, Gaul Lab.

Damien Coudreuse, postdoctoral associate, Nurse Lab.

Guillaume Darrasse-Jeze, postdoctoral associate, Nussenzweig Lab.

Mariely De Jesus Hernandez, animal technician, Heintz Lab.

Michael L. DeVito, research assistant, Heintz Lab.

Scott Dewell, research support specialist, Genomics Resource Center.

Jessica Doerner, research assistant, Robert Darnell Lab.

Ellen Ezratty, postdoctoral associate, Fuchs Lab.

Jennifer Felger, postdoctoral fellow, McEwen Lab.

Maya Frank-Levine, copy editor, JCB, The Rockefeller University Press.

Rori M. Hanson, office assistant, LARC.

Victoria Isakova, research assistant, Heintz Lab.

Louise Kemp, research assistant, George Cross Lab.

Tatsuya Kibe, postdoctoral fellow, de Lange Lab.

Simeon Knight, mailroom clerk, Mail Room.

Sharon Kuca, animal technician, Greengard Lab.

Seppe Kuehn, postdoctoral associate, Leibler Lab.

Ruth Kulicke, research assistant, Greengard Lab.

Pradeep Kumar, fellow, Center for Theoretical Studies.

Laurent Laor, manager of health information management, Hospital HIS.

Sheila Lola MacRae, research assistant, de Lange Lab.

Ivana Mirkovic, postdoctoral associate, Hudspeth Lab.

Takahiro Nakayama, postdoctoral associate, Roeder Lab.

Justin O’Connor, administrative assistant, K12 program, Hospital Administration.

Carlos Puello, watch engineer, Plant Operations Power House.

Jenna Rimberg, research assistant, Heintz Lab.

Kejal Rinoo Shah, postdoctoral associate, Krueger Lab.

Rochelle Ritacco, preflight editor, The Rockefeller University Press.

Katerina Roussos, accounts payable analyst, Finance Accounting Services.

Szymon Rus, research assistant, Kreek Lab.

John Schoggins, postdoctoral associate, Rice Lab.

Bhurin Sead, research assistant, Allis Lab.

Patrick Seo, research assistant, Steinman Lab.

Petra Spiegel, administrator human resources, Human Resources.

Sonja Stadler, postdoctoral associate, Allis Lab.

Kevin Stanton, development assistant I, Development.

Disnayra Taveras, teachers’ aide, Child and Family Center.

Sheela Tripathee, administrative assistant, Gadsby Lab.

Brenna L. Trout, development assistant, Development.

Lun (Kelvin) Tsou, postdoctoral fellow, Hang Lab.

Alise Wallis, assistant to the finance director, The Rockefeller University Press.

Traci R. White, research assistant, Krueger Lab.

Jessica Wright, postdoctoral associate, George Cross Lab.

Rachel Wyzan, development assistant, Development.

Rachael K. Yoo, clinical research coordinator, Hospital Program Direction.

Jacob Yount, postdoctoral associate, Hang Lab.

This publication lists new hires, retirements, awards and promotions. Staff promotions are listed yearly; academic promotions and appointments are listed monthly.