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Prabhjot Singh Dhadialla*

Prabhjot Singh Dhadialla

B.S., B.A., University of Rochester
A Role for Adult Stem Cells and Tumor Necrosis Factor in Peripheral Nerve Development
presented by Sidney Strickland

As science has accelerated the acquisition of information, the processing of this information has become a major challenge. How does one sort through reams of data to identify patterns and see the big picture? This problem intrigued Jot Dhadialla. He therefore collaborated with a student-colleague at Cornell to apply new mathematical methods to study molecules important for peripheral nerve development. Their method, with the impressive name of Maximum Entropy Network Analysis, showed for the first time that tumor necrosis factor, a well-known molecule in the immune system, is a critical player in nerve myelination. His work is important for the specific identification of a new molecule in nerve development, and also for the method he has developed, which can be applied to countless other systems.

Jot Dhadialla spent his boyhood days in East Africa. Ninety years ago, his family came from Punjab, India, to Kenya to help build the railroad, and much of his family still lives there. After graduating from the University of Rochester, he joined our M.D.-Ph.D. program. In addition to his affinity for basic science and medicine, he has been shaped by his African heritage to be extremely interested in science and social policy. Jot has spent the last few months in Kenya and will soon return to medical school to finish his medical degree. He is gifted in so many areas that it will be fascinating to see where his path takes him.