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JULY 03, 2009

Convocation 2009

2009 is a landmark year for science. The 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, father of evolutionary biology, and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his classic text On the Origin of Species, this year is being marked with tributes across the world. It is also a milestone year ...

JULY 03, 2009

Cech and Greenberg presented with honorary degrees

by TALLEY HENNING BROWN Generations of new scientists have been affected by the work of Thomas R. Cech and Maurice R. Greenberg. Dr. Cech, former president of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and a dedicated teacher for over 30 years, has long been an advocate for the advancement of young scienti...

JULY 03, 2009

Fifth annual teaching awards honor Hudspeth and Nottebohm

by TALLEY HENNING BROWN Those who can, teach. From left, Fernando Nottebohm, Paul Nurse and A. James Hudspeth at the Convocation Luncheon. While more than 1,000 students have braved the rigors of scientific pursuit to earn Rockefeller University doctorates, the faculty who mentored them have braved...

JULY 03, 2009

Sarah Wacker named 2009 David Rockefeller Fellow

by TALLEY HENNING BROWN When it came time to choose a graduate school, Sarah Wacker’s method looked a little like a game of darts. Certain that she wanted to continue her study of proteins in a lively urban environment, she applied to what she considered the best school in every major city across...

JULY 03, 2009

Convocation 2009

Following tradition, faculty mentors gave congratulatory tributes to this year’s graduates. Printed here are the transcripts of those speeches, as they were read on June 11. Three members of the class of 2009 — Taulant Bacaj, Sarah Garrett Injac and Satoshi Yoshimura — were unable to attend th...

JULY 03, 2009

Sourabh Banerjee

B.Sc., St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi M.Sc., Indian Institute of Technology Studies of G Protein Coupled Receptors Incorporated into a Novel, Nanoscale, Membrane-mimetic System presented by Thomas P. Sakmar Sourabh Banerjee joined my laboratory in 2004 as a graduate student in the Tri...

JULY 03, 2009

Cameron D. Bess

B.S., University of California, Santa Cruz Analysis of Cellular Factors Involved in Adeno-associated Virus Type 2 Entry presented by Sanford M. Simon As an undergraduate at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where he studied yeast genetics, Cameron Bess was the first in his family to attend ...

JULY 03, 2009

Kıvanç Birsoy

B.S., Bilkent University Transcriptional Regulation of Adipocyte Function presented by Jeffrey M. Friedman Michaelangelo described his craft as follows: “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” This description well describes our experience as biologists. The marble is t...

JULY 03, 2009

Prabhjot Singh Dhadialla*

B.S., B.A., University of Rochester A Role for Adult Stem Cells and Tumor Necrosis Factor in Peripheral Nerve Development presented by Sidney Strickland As science has accelerated the acquisition of information, the processing of this information has become a major challenge. How does one sort thro...

JULY 03, 2009

Nadya Dimitrova

Sc.B., Brown University Characterization of a Novel 53BP1-dependent Mechanism That Promotes Nonhomologous End Joining of Deprotected Telomeres by Increasing Chromatin Mobility presented by Titia de Lange Nadya Dimitrova was born and raised in Bulgaria. Like many former Soviet countries, Bulgaria de...