Postdoctoral Association
The Rockefeller postdoctoral association (PDA) was started in 2001 as the brainchild of the Dean’s Office, with a mandate to foster social interactions among postdocs on campus. Since then the PDA has grown in both scope and formalization, receiving an annual budget from the Dean’s Office to support many initiatives on campus. Our biggest event is the two-day C. David Allis Annual Postdoctoral Investigators Retreat, which is usually held in the fall and serves as an opportunity for Rockefeller postdocs to meet those in other labs and also to present their science. While our major agenda continues to be promoting both social and scientific interactions among postdocs, we also strive to be an effective organized voice of the collective postdoc community to the Rockefeller administration.
Each member of the PDA executive committee is a current postdoc or research associate at Rockefeller, and the committee organizes PDA events and activities as a collective enterprise. We always look forward to hearing from you at Do write to us if you have any ideas that you would like your PDA to take up!
Current Members:
Jorge Almagro Santiago
Jayeesha Ghosh
Francesco Gianoli
Albana Kodra
Manoj Kumar
Calvin Leonen
Adrian Morales Amador