The strains listed within this document belong to the Lancefield Collection and include nearly all of the strains collected by Dr. Lancefield during her career at The Rockefeller Institute. In many cases, the use of these strains was first described in scientific publications by Dr. Lancefield and have continued to be the focus of basic research of the streptococcus. Of foremost interest, are the M serotype reference strains that have provided the basis of typing group A streptococci.
The collection database is constructed as follows:
Over 6,000 streptococcal strains, that are only partially annotated, are organized according to group. In addition, the group A streptococci strains are listed according to M serotype, disease outbreak and strain series. A directory of M serotyping strains has also been compiled. Within each list are links to one or more annotated files, each describing an individual strain, within a directory containing 1,200 strain files. Each file contains important information about a strain, including: group, M serotype, hemolytic activity, site of isolation, and disease association. Where possible, the strain listings and each M serotype are cross-referenced with journal papers by Dr. Lancefield that make mention of the strain; for example, see strain A963.
Streptococcal Strain Directory:
Over 6,000 strains, partially annotated listings.
- Fully annotated strain listings. 1,200 strains searchable by query:
We apologize for inadvertant omissions and errors produced in the transcription of Dr. Lancefield’s original notes. Please bring any that you might notice to our attention. For further information, either about strains or their acquisition, please contact Dr. Vincent A. Fischetti by e-mail.