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Press Coverage

Stanley S. and Sydney R. Shuman Professor
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Selected Press Coverage

Daniel Kronauer general research profiles (in English):

– Colony of clues (Natalie Angier for The New York Times)

– The secret lives of ants (Sandeep Ravindran for PBS Nova Next)


Daniel Kronauer general research profiles (international):

– Räuber mit Pünktchen (Johann Grolle for Der Spiegel)


Articles covering specific studies (in English):

Like human armies, army ants trail crowds of hangers-on (Matt Kaplan for The Economist)

Beetles raise their young in trash dumps left behind by army ants (Jake Buehler for New Scientist)

Spying on transgenic ants reveals how their brains respond to alarm odors (Alejandra Manjarrez for The Scientist)

Transgenic ants shed light on insects’ sense of smell (Miryam Naddaf for Nature)

Mutations in “supergene” cause worker ants to sprout queenlike wings, get lazy (Elizabeth Pennisi for Science)

A mutation turned ants into parasites in one generation (Viviane Callier for Quanta Magazine)

Mutant, parasitic impostor queens lurk in ant colonies (Rebecca Dzombak for The New York Times)

Pupating ants make milk – and scientists only just noticed (Miryam Naddaf for Nature)

Ant pupae feed adults, larvae with secreted liquid (Viviane Callier for The Scientist)

Ants make “milk”? This new discovery took scientists by surprise (Tim Vernimmen for National Geographic)

Ant milk: it does a colony good (Joshua Sokol for The New York Times)

How insulin helped create ant societies (Jordana Cepelewicz for Quanta Magazine)

Worker ants: you could have been queens (Karen Weintraub for The New York Times)

A single gene helps to enthrone an ant queen (Ewen Callaway for Nature)

The benefits of being well fed (Sacha Vignieri for Science)

World’s first genetically modified ants shed light on how complex insect societies evolved (Elizabeth Pennisi for Science)

– Scientists create the first mutant ants (Ben Guarino for The Washington Post)

CRISPR elucidates genetic basis of social behavior in ants (Viviane Callier for PNAS)

CRISPR ants lose ability to smell (Daniel Cressey for Nature)

Ant genomes rewrite history of Panama land bridge (Carrie Arnold for Nature)

This beetle bites an ant’s waist and pretends to be its butt (Ed Yong for The Atlantic)

– Why cockroaches stay in your neighborhood (Derek Kravitz for The Wall Street Journal)


Articles covering specific studies (international):

Las primeras hormigas transgénicas abren nuevas puertas a la ciencia (Geraldine Castro for Wired)

Fourmis: comment elles perçoivent l’odeur du danger (Nathaniel Herzberg for Le Monde)

Les pupes de fourmis fabriquent un lait magique pour la colonie (Nathaniel Herzberg for Le Monde)

Formigas produzem “leite” que nutre tanto larvas quanto adultos (Reinaldo Lopes for Folha de S. Paulo)

Comment devenir reine des fourmis (Florence Rosier for Le Monde)

Derfor går myrer på række (Lasse Foghsgaard for Politiken)

Wie man Ameisen asozial macht (Katja Ridderbusch for Welt am Sonntag)

Wie Ameisen zu Einzelgängern werden (Anke Fossgreen for Sonntagszeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung)




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