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Scaplen KM, Talay M, Fisher JD, Cohn R, Sorkac A, Aso Y, Barnea G, Kaun KR
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Transsynaptic mapping of Drosophila mushroom body output neurons

ELIFE 2021 FEB 11; 10(?):? Article e63379
The mushroom body (MB) is a well-characterized associative memory structure within the Drosophila brain. Analyzing MB connectivity using multiple approaches is critical for understanding the functional implications of this structure. Using the genetic anterograde transsynaptic tracing tool, trans-Tango, we identified divergent projections across the brain and convergent downstream targets of the MB output neurons (MBONs). Our analysis revealed at least three separate targets that receive convergent input from MBONs: other MBONs, the fan-shaped body (FSB), and the lateral accessory lobe (LAL). We describe, both anatomically and functionally, a multilayer circuit in which inhibitory and excitatory MBONs converge on the same genetic subset of FSB and LAL neurons. This circuit architecture enables the brain to update and integrate information with previous experience before executing appropriate behavioral responses. Our use of trans-Tango provides a genetically accessible anatomical framework for investigating the functional relevance of components within these complex and interconnected circuits.
Liu FY, Lee J, Chen J
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Molecular structures of the eukaryotic retinal importer ABCA4

ELIFE 2021 FEB 19; 10(?):? Article e63524
The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter family contains thousands of members with diverse functions. Movement of the substrate, powered by ATP hydrolysis, can be outward (export) or inward (import). ABCA4 is a eukaryotic importer transporting retinal to the cytosol to enter the visual cycle. It also removes toxic retinoids from the disc lumen. Mutations in ABCA4 cause impaired vision or blindness. Despite decades of clinical, biochemical, and animal model studies, the molecular mechanism of ABCA4 is unknown. Here, we report the structures of human ABCA4 in two conformations. In the absence of ATP, ABCA4 adopts an outward-facing conformation, poised to recruit substrate. The presence of ATP induces large conformational changes that could lead to substrate release. These structures provide a molecular basis to understand many disease-causing mutations and a rational guide for new experiments to uncover how ABCA4 recruits, flips, and releases retinoids.
Frew JW, Marzano AV, Wolk K, Join-Lambert O, Alavi A, Lowes MA, Piguet V
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A Systematic Review of Promising Therapeutic Targets in Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Critical Evaluation of Mechanistic and Clinical Relevance

This systematic review identifies and critically evaluates the mechanistic and clinical evidence of new promising therapeutic targets in hidradenitis suppurativa (HS). Evidence for these targets is largely based on observational data with limited ex vivo and translational data from clinical trials. A number of placebo-controlled studies have been completed or are underway utilizing IL-1, IL-23, IL-17, complement, and Jak inhibition, although there is concern regarding elevated placebo response rates and the questionable validity of clinical scores in some participant subsets. Knowledge gaps are identified suggesting a direction for future mechanistic studies in HS, including more comprehensive inflammatory endotype profiling of disease.
Moura-Assis A, Friedman JM, Velloso LA
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Gut-to-brain signals in feeding control

Interoceptive signals from gut and adipose tissue and sensory cues from the environment are integrated by hubs in the brain to regulate feeding behavior and maintain homeostatic control of body weight. In vivo neural recordings have revealed that these signals control the activity of multiple layers of hunger neurons and eating is not only the result of feedback correction to a set point, but can also be under the influence of anticipatory regulations. A series of recent technical developments have revealed how peripheral and sensory signals, in particular, from the gut are conveyed to the brain to integrate neural circuits. Here, we describe the mechanisms involved in gastrointestinal stimulation by nutrients and how these signals act on the hindbrain to generate motivated behaviors. We also consider the organization of multidirectional intra- and extrahypothalamic circuits and how this has created a framework for understanding neural control of feeding.
Showalter K, Spiera R, Magro C, Agius P, Martyanov V, Franks JM, Sharma R, Geiger H, Wood TA, Zhang YX, Hale CR, Finik J, Whitfield ML, Orange DE, Gordon JK
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Machine learning integration of scleroderma histology and gene expression identifies fibroblast polarisation as a hallmark of clinical severity and improvement

Objective We sought to determine histologic and gene expression features of clinical improvement in early diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis (dcSSc; scleroderma). Methods Fifty-eight forearm biopsies were evaluated from 26 individuals with dcSSc in two clinical trials. Histologic/immunophenotypic assessments of global severity, alpha-smooth muscle actin (aSMA), CD34, collagen, inflammatory infiltrate, follicles and thickness were compared with gene expression and clinical data. Support vector machine learning was performed using scleroderma gene expression subset (normal-like, fibroproliferative, inflammatory) as classifiers and histology scores as inputs. Comparison of w-vector mean absolute weights was used to identify histologic features most predictive of gene expression subset. We then tested for differential gene expression according to histologic severity and compared those with clinical improvement (according to the Combined Response Index in Systemic Sclerosis). Results aSMA was highest and CD34 lowest in samples with highest local Modified Rodnan Skin Score. CD34 and aSMA changed significantly from baseline to 52 weeks in clinical improvers. CD34 and aSMA were the strongest predictors of gene expression subset, with highest CD34 staining in the normal-like subset (p<0.001) and highest aSMA staining in the inflammatory subset (p=0.016). Analysis of gene expression according to CD34 and aSMA binarised scores identified a 47-gene fibroblast polarisation signature that decreases over time only in improvers (vs non-improvers). Pathway analysis of these genes identified gene expression signatures of inflammatory fibroblasts. Conclusion CD34 and aSMA stains describe distinct fibroblast polarisation states, are associated with gene expression subsets and clinical assessments, and may be useful biomarkers of clinical severity and improvement in dcSSc.
Thornquist SC, Pitsch MJ, Auth CS, Crickmore MA
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Biochemical evidence accumulates across neurons to drive a network-level eruption

MOLECULAR CELL 2021 FEB 18; 81(4):675-+
Neural network computations are usually assumed to emerge from patterns of fast electrical activity. Challenging this view, we show that a male fly's decision to persist in mating hinges on a biochemical computation that enables processing over minutes to hours. Each neuron in a recurrent network contains slightly different internal molecular estimates of mating progress. Protein kinase A (PKA) activity contrasts this internal measurement with input from the other neurons to represent accumulated evidence that the goal of the network has been achieved. When consensus is reached, PKA pushes the network toward a large-scale and synchronized burst of calcium influx that we call an eruption. Eruptions transform continuous deliberation within the network into an all-or-nothing output, after which the male will no longer sacrifice his life to continue mating. Here, biochemical activity, invisible to most large-scale recording techniques, is the key computational currency directing behavior and motivational state.
van Straalen KR, Frew JW
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The Importance of Methodological Rigor in Proof-of-Concept Clinical Trials: A Lesson from Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Boyce WT, Levitt P, Martinez FD, McEwen BS, Shonkoff JP
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Genes, Environments, and Time: The Biology of Adversity and Resilience

PEDIATRICS 2021 FEB; 147(2):? Article e20201651
Exposures to adverse environments, both psychosocial and physicochemical, are prevalent and consequential across a broad range of childhood populations. Such adversity, especially early in life, conveys measurable risk to learning and behavior and to the foundations of both mental and physical health. Using an interactive gene-environment-time (GET) framework, we survey the independent and interactive roles of genetic variation, environmental context, and developmental timing in light of advances in the biology of adversity and resilience, as well as new discoveries in biomedical research. Drawing on this rich evidence base, we identify 4 core concepts that provide a powerful catalyst for fresh thinking about primary health care for young children: (1) all biological systems are inextricably integrated, continuously "reading" and adapting to the environment and "talking back" to the brain and each other through highly regulated channels of cross-system communication; (2) adverse environmental exposures induce alterations in developmental trajectories that can lead to persistent disruptions of organ function and structure; (3) children vary in their sensitivity to context, and this variation is influenced by interactions among genetic factors, family and community environments, and developmental timing; and (4) critical or sensitive periods provide unmatched windows of opportunity for both positive and negative influences on multiple biological systems. These rapidly moving frontiers of investigation provide a powerful framework for new, science-informed thinking about health promotion and disease prevention in the early childhood period. Advances in biology provide a platform for fresh thinking about health promotion and disease prevention in the early childhood period.
Gordon KB, Foley P, Krueger JG, Pinter A, Reich K, Vender R, Vanvoorden V, Madden C, White K, Cioffi C, Blauvelt A
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Bimekizumab efficacy and safety in moderate to severe plaque psoriasis (BE READY): a multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised withdrawal phase 3 trial

LANCET 2021 FEB 6; 397(10273):475-486
Background Bimekizumab is a monoclonal IgG1 antibody that selectively inhibits interleukin (IL)-17F in addition to IL-17A. This study investigated the efficacy and safety of bimekizumab in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, the effects of treatment withdrawal, and two maintenance dosing schedules over 56 weeks. Methods BE READY was a phase 3, multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial done at 77 sites (hospitals, clinics, private doctor's practices, and dedicated clinical research centres) in nine countries across Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. Adult patients aged 18 years or older with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis were stratified by region and previous biologic exposure, and randomly assigned (4:1) to receive bimekizumab 320 mg every 4 weeks or placebo every 4 weeks by use of interactive response technology. Coprimary endpoints were the proportion of patients achieving 90% or greater improvement from baseline in the Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI90) and the proportion of patients achieving a score of 0 (clear) or 1 (almost clear) on the five-point Investigator's Global Assessment (IGA) scale at week 16 (non-responder imputation). Bimekizumab-treated patients achieving PASI90 at week 16 were re-allocated (1:1:1) to receive bimekizumab 320 mg every 4 weeks, every 8 weeks, or placebo for weeks 16-56. Efficacy analyses were done in the intention-to-treat population; the safety analysis set comprised all patients who received at least one dose of study treatment. This trial is registered with (NCT03410992), and is now completed. Findings Between Feb 5, 2018, and Jan 7, 2020, 435 patients were randomly assigned to receive either bimekizumab 320 mg every 4 weeks (n=349) or placebo every 4 weeks (n=86). Coprimary endpoints were met: at week 16, 317 (91%) of 349 patients receiving bimekizumab 320 mg every 4 weeks achieved PASI90, compared with one (1%) of 86 patients receiving placebo (risk difference 89.8 [95% CI 86.1-93.4]; p<0.0001); and 323 (93%) of 349 patients receiving bimekizumab 320 mg every 4 weeks achieved an IGA score of 0 or 1 versus one (1%) of 86 patients receiving placebo (risk difference 91.5 [95% CI 88.0-94.9]; p<0.0001). Responses were maintained through to week 56 with bimekizumab 320 mg every 8 weeks and every 4 weeks. Treatment-emergent adverse events in the initial treatment period (up to week 16) were reported in 213 (61%) of 349 patients receiving bimekizumab 320 mg every 4 weeks and 35 (41%) of 86 patients receiving placebo every 4 weeks. From week 16 to week 56, treatment-emergent adverse events were reported in 78 (74%) of 106 patients receiving bimekizumab 320 mg every 4 weeks, 77 (77%) of 100 patients receiving bimekizumab 320 mg every 8 weeks, and 72 (69%) of 105 patients receiving placebo. Interpretation Bimekizumab showed high levels of response, which were durable over 56 weeks, with both maintenance dosing schedules (every 4 weeks and every 8 weeks). Moreover, bimekizumab was well tolerated, with no unexpected safety findings. Data presented here further support the therapeutic value of bimekizumab and inhibition of IL-17F in addition to IL-17A for patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
Anderson TL, Sheppard LW, Walter JA, Rolley RE, Reuman DC
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Synchronous effects produce cycles in deer populations and deer-vehicle collisions

ECOLOGY LETTERS 2021; 24(2):337-347
Population cycles are fundamentally linked with spatial synchrony, the prevailing paradigm being that populations with cyclic dynamics are easily synchronised. That is, population cycles help give rise to spatial synchrony. Here we demonstrate this process can work in reverse, with synchrony causing population cycles. We show that timescale-specific environmental effects, by synchronising local population dynamics on certain timescales only, cause major population cycles over large areas in white-tailed deer. An important aspect of the new mechanism is specificity of synchronising effects to certain timescales, which causes local dynamics to sum across space to a substantial cycle on those timescales. We also demonstrate, to our knowledge for the first time, that synchrony can be transmitted not only from environmental drivers to populations (deer), but also from there to human systems (deer-vehicle collisions). Because synchrony of drivers may be altered by climate change, changes to population cycles may arise via our mechanism.