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Sparkenbaugh EM, Kasztan M, Henderson MW, Ellsworth P, Davis PR, Wilson KJ, Reeves B, Key NS, Strickland S, McCrae K, Pollock DM, Pawlinski R
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High molecular weight kininogen contributes to early mortality and kidney dysfunction in a mouse model of sickle cell disease

Background Sickle cell disease (SCD) is characterized by chronic hemolytic anemia, vaso-occlusive crises, chronic inflammation, and activation of coagulation. The clinical complications such as painful crisis, stroke, pulmonary hypertension, nephropathy and venous thromboembolism lead to cumulative organ damage and premature death. High molecular weight kininogen (HK) is a central cofactor for the kallikrein-kinin and intrinsic coagulation pathways, which contributes to both coagulation and inflammation. Objective We hypothesize that HK contributes to the hypercoagulable and pro-inflammatory state that causes end-organ damage and early mortality in sickle mice. Methods We evaluated the role of HK in the Townes mouse model of SCD. Results/Conclusions We found elevated plasma levels of cleaved HK in sickle patients compared to healthy controls, suggesting ongoing HK activation in SCD. We used bone marrow transplantation to generate wild type and sickle cell mice on a HK-deficient background. We found that short-term HK deficiency attenuated thrombin generation and inflammation in sickle mice at steady state, which was independent of bradykinin signaling. Moreover, long-term HK deficiency attenuates kidney injury, reduces chronic inflammation, and ultimately improves survival of sickle mice.
Baksh SC, Fuchs E
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A Metabolic Bottleneck for Stem Cell Transformation

CELL 2020 SEP 17; 182(6):1377-1378
Although oncogenic mutations predispose tissue stem cells to tumor initiation, the rate-limiting processes for stem cell immortalization remain unknown. In this issue of Cell, Bonnay et al. identify enhanced electron transport chain activity as a critical determinant of this process, establishing metabolic reprogramming as limiting for tumor initiation.
Saltsman JA, Hammond WJ, Narayan NJC, Requena D, Gehart H, Lalazar G, LaQuaglia MP, Clevers H, Simon S
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A Human Organoid Model of Aggressive Hepatoblastoma for Disease Modeling and Drug Testing

CANCERS 2020 SEP; 12(9):? Article 2668
Simple Summary Hepatoblastoma is the most common childhood liver cancer, making up over 90% of malignant liver tumors in children younger than 5 years of age. Currently, research to find new treatments for treatment-resistant hepatoblastoma is limited by a lack of appropriate models to study the disease. In this study, we describe a novel patient-derived organoid model of aggressive hepatoblastoma that can be used to study the disease in the laboratory and test new treatments. We demonstrate that tumor organoids share the same genomic profile as the patient tumors from which they are derived, and also demonstrate similar features with respect to gene expression profiles and beta-catenin signaling. We also demonstrate the feasibility of using hepatoblastoma organoids to complete a drug screen alongside normal liver control organoids derived from the same patient, and report promising initial results of anti-tumor activity of the BET inhibitor JQ1. Hepatoblastoma is the most common childhood liver cancer. Although survival has improved significantly over the past few decades, there remains a group of children with aggressive disease who do not respond to current treatment regimens. There is a critical need for novel models to study aggressive hepatoblastoma as research to find new treatments is hampered by the small number of laboratory models of the disease. Organoids have emerged as robust models for many diseases, including cancer. We have generated and characterized a novel organoid model of aggressive hepatoblastoma directly from freshly resected patient tumors as a proof of concept for this approach. Hepatoblastoma tumor organoids recapitulate the key elements of patient tumors, including tumor architecture, mutational profile, gene expression patterns, and features of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling that are hallmarks of hepatoblastoma pathophysiology. Tumor organoids were successfully used alongside non-tumor liver organoids from the same patient to perform a drug screen using twelve candidate compounds. One drug, JQ1, demonstrated increased destruction of liver organoids from hepatoblastoma tumor tissue relative to organoids from the adjacent non-tumor liver. Our findings suggest that hepatoblastoma organoids could be used for a variety of applications and have the potential to improve treatment options for the subset of hepatoblastoma patients who do not respond to existing treatments.
Yu ZL, Yu YD, Wang F, Myasnikov AG, Coffino P, Cheng YF
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Allosteric coupling between alpha-rings of the 20S proteasome

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2020 SEP 11; 11(1):? Article 4580
Proteasomal machinery performs essential regulated protein degradation in eukaryotes. Classic proteasomes are symmetric, with a regulatory ATPase docked at each end of the cylindrical 20S. Asymmetric complexes are also present in cells, either with a single ATPase or with an ATPase and non-ATPase at two opposite ends. The mechanism that populates these different proteasomal complexes is unknown. Using archaea homologs, we construct asymmetric forms of proteasomes. We demonstrate that the gate conformation of the two opposite ends of 20S are coupled: binding one ATPase opens a gate locally, and also opens the opposite gate allosterically. Such allosteric coupling leads to cooperative binding of proteasomal ATPases to 20S and promotes formation of proteasomes symmetrically configured with two identical ATPases. It may also promote formation of asymmetric complexes with an ATPase and a non-ATPase at opposite ends. We propose that in eukaryotes a similar mechanism regulates the composition of the proteasomal population.
Lopes E, Saavedra MJ, Costa E, de Lencastre H, Poirel L, Aires-de-Sousa M
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Epidemiology of carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in northern Portugal: Predominance of KPC-2 and OXA-48

Objectives: To provide, for the first time, data on the molecular epidemiology of carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates from the northern region of Portugal (Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro). Methods: A total of 106 carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae isolates recovered from clinical samples and rectal swabs between January 2018 and March 2019 were included in this study. All isolates were characterized by antimicrobial susceptibility, identification of resistance determinants, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and plasmid analysis. Results: The most common carbapenemase identified was KPC-2 (91%), followed by OXA-48 (9%). The bla(KPC-2) gene was carried onto IncN (60%) and IncF (40%) plasmid types, whereas the bla(OXA-48) gene was mainly located on the IncL (90%) incompatibility group. Molecular characterization distributed the 106 isolates into 29 PFGE types and 21 sequence types (STs), but three clones included 50% of the isolates: PFGE A-ST147-KPC-2 (29%), B-ST15-KPC-2 (15%), and C-ST11-OXA-48 (6%). Antimicrobial resistance rates were the following: ciprofloxacin (76%), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (75%), tobramycin (62%), gentamicin (34%), amikacin (25%), tigecycline (21%), fosfomycin (10%), and colistin (7%). None of the colistin-resistant isolates harboured mcr genes. All isolates remained susceptible to ceftazidime/avibactam, but 10% presented elevated MICs (3 and 4 mg/L). Conclusions: KPC-2 was the predominant carbapenemase among K. pneumoniae isolates currently circulating at this hospital from northern Portugal, followed by OXA-48. These data contrast with those obtained from the rest of the country, where KPC-3 predominates. This study showed a polyclonal structure of KPC-2-producing K. pneumoniae isolates with a predominance of the ST147 and ST15 clones. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
Medrihan L, Umschweif G, Sinha A, Reed S, Lee J, Gindinova K, Sinha SC, Greengard P, Sagi Y
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Reduced Kv3.1 Activity in Dentate Gyrus Parvalbumin Cells Induces Vulnerability to Depression

BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 2020 SEP 1; 88(5):405-414
BACKGROUND: Parvalbumin (PV)-expressing interneurons are important for cognitive and emotional behaviors. These neurons express high levels of p11, a protein associated with depression and action of antidepressants. METHODS: We characterized the behavioral response to subthreshold stress in mice with conditional deletion of p11 in PV cells. Using chemogenetics, viral-mediated gene delivery, and a specific ion channel agonist, we studied the role of dentate gyrus PV cells in regulating anxiety-like behavior and resilience to stress. We used electrophysiology, imaging, and biochemical studies in mice and cells to elucidate the function and mechanism of p11 in dentate gyrus PV cells. RESULTS: p11 regulates the subcellular localization and cellular level of the potassium channel Kv3.1 in cells. Deletion of p11 from PV cells resulted in reduced hippocampal level of Kv3.1, attenuated capacity of high-frequency firing in dentate gyrus PV cells, and altered short-term plasticity at synapses on granule cells, as well as anxiety-like behavior and a pattern separation deficit. Chemogenetic inhibition or deletion of p11 in these cells induced vulnerability to depressive behavior, whereas upregulation of Kv3.1 in dentate gyrus PV cells or acute activation of Kv3.1 using a specific agonist induced resilience to depression. CONCLUSIONS: The activity of dentate gyrus PV cells plays a major role in the behavioral response to novelty and stress. Activation of the Kv3.1 channel in dentate gyrus PV cells may represent a target for the development of celltype specific, fast-acting antidepressants.
Farrell RJ, Ryan TA
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Local Sourcing of Secretory Proteins in Faraway Places

A recent paper by Carter et al. identifies a novel organelle, the ribosome-associated vesicle (RAV), that might serve as a portable, local factory for producing proteins destined for the secretory pathway. The appearance of RAVs in den-drites suggests they may serve to generate membrane and secreted proteins in distal processes.
Azevedo EP, Tan BW, Pomeranz LE, Ivan V, Fetcho R, Schneeberger M, Doerig KR, Liston C, Friedman JM, Stern SA
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A limbic circuit selectively links active escape to food suppression

ELIFE 2020 SEP 7; 9(?):? Article e58894
Stress has pleiotropic physiologic effects, but the neural circuits linking stress to these responses are not well understood. Here, we describe a novel population of lateral septum neurons expressing neurotensin (LSNts) in mice that are selectively tuned to specific types of stress. LSNts neurons increase their activity during active escape, responding to stress when flight is a viable option, but not when associated with freezing or immobility. Chemogenetic activation of LSNts neurons decreases food intake and body weight, without altering locomotion and anxiety. LSNts neurons co-express several molecules including Glp1r (glucagon-like peptide one receptor) and manipulations of Glp1r signaling in the LS recapitulates the behavioral effects of LSNts activation. Activation of LSNts terminals in the lateral hypothalamus (LH) also decreases food intake. These results show that LSNts neurons are selectively tuned to active escape stress and can reduce food consumption via effects on hypothalamic pathways.
Luo WJ, Ip FCF, Fu GM, Cheung K, Tian Y, Hu YQ, Sinha A, Cheng EYL, Wu XZ, Bustos V, Greengard P, Li YM, Sinha SC, Ip NY
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A Pentacyclic Triterpene from Ligustrum lucidum Targets gamma-Secretase

ACS CHEMICAL NEUROSCIENCE 2020 SEP 16; 11(18):2827-2835
Amyloid-beta peptides generated by beta-secretase- and gamma-secretase-mediated successive cleavage of amyloid precursor protein are believed to play a causative role in Alzheimer's disease. Thus, reducing amyloid-beta generation by modulating gamma-secretase remains a promising approach for Alzheimer's disease therapeutic development. Here, we screened fruit extracts of Ligustrum lucidum Ait. (Oleaceae) and identified active fractions that increase the C-terminal fragment of amyloid precursor protein and reduce amyloid-beta production in a neuronal cell line. These fractions contain a mixture of two isomeric pentacyclic triterpene natural products, 3-O-cis- or 3-O-trans-p-coumaroyl maslinic acid (OCMA), in different ratios. We further demonstrated that trans-OCMA specifically inhibits gamma-secretase and decreases amyloid-beta levels without influencing cleavage of Notch. By using photoactivatable probes targeting the subsites residing in the gamma-secretase active site, we demonstrated that trans-OCMA selectively affects the S1 subsite of the active site in this protease. Treatment of Alzheimer's disease transgenic model mice with trans-OCMA or an analogous carbamate derivative of a related pentacyclic triterpene natural product, oleanolic acid, rescued the impairment of synaptic plasticity. This work indicates that the naturally occurring compound trans-OCMA and its analogues could become a promising class of small molecules for Alzheimer's disease treatment.
Chen J, Malone B, Llewellyn E, Grasso M, Shelton PMM, Olinares PDB, Maruthi K, Eng ET, Vatandaslar H, Chait BT, Kapoor TM, Darst SA, Campbell EA
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Structural Basis for Helicase-Polymerase Coupling in the SARS-CoV-2 Replication-Transcription Complex

CELL 2020 SEP 17; 182(6):1560-1573.e13
SARS-CoV-2 is the causative agent of the 2019-2020 pandemic. The SARS-CoV-2 genome is replicated and transcribed by the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase holoenzyme (subunits nsp7/nsp82/nsp12) along with a cast of accessory factors. One of these factors is the nsp13 helicase. Both the holo-RdRp and nsp13 are essential for viral replication and are targets for treating the disease COVID-19. Here we present cryoelectron microscopic structures of the SARS-CoV-2 holo-RdRp with an RNA template product in complex with two molecules of the nsp13 helicase. The Nidovirales order-specific N-terminal domains of each nsp13 interact with the N-terminal extension of each copy of nsp8. One nsp13 also contacts the nsp12 thumb. The structure places the nucleic acid-binding ATPase domains of the helicase directly in front of the replicating-transcribing holo-RdRp, constraining models for nsp13 function. We also observe ADP-Mg2+ bound in the nsp12 N-terminal nidovirus RdRp-associated nucleotidyltransferase domain, detailing a new pocket for anti-viral therapy development.