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Caradonna SG, Paul MR, Marrocco J
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An allostatic epigenetic memory on chromatin footprints after double-hit acute stress

NEUROBIOLOGY OF STRESS 2022 SEP; 20(?):? Article 100475
Stress induces allostatic responses, whose limits depend on genetic background and the nature of the challenges. Allostatic load reflects the cumulation of these reponses over the course of life. Acute stress is usually associated with adaptive responses, although, depending on the intensity of the stress and individual differences , some may experience maladaptive coping that persists through life and may influence subsequent responses to stressful events, as is the case of post -traumatic stress disorder. We investigated the behavioral traits and epigenetic signatures in a double-hit mouse model of acute stress in which heterotypic stressors (acute swim stress and acute restraint stress) were applied within a 7-day interval period. The ventral hippocampus was isolated to study the footprints of chromatin accessibility driven by exposure to double-hit stress. Using ATAC sequencing to determine regions of open chromatin, we showed that depending on the number of acute stressors, several gene sets related to development, immune function, cell starvation, translation, the cytoskeleton, and DNA modification were reprogrammed in both males and females. Chromatin accessibility for transcription factor binding sites showed that stress altered the accessibility for androgen, glucocorticoid, and mineralocorticoid receptor binding sites (AREs/GREs) at the genome-wide level, with double-hit stressed mice displaying a profile unique from either single hit of acute stress. The investigation of AREs/GREs adjacent to gene coding regions revealed several stress-related genes, including Fkbp5, Zbtb16, and Ddc, whose chromatin accessibility was affected by prior exposure to stress. These data demonstrate that acute stress is not truly acute because it induces allostatic signatures that persist in the epigenome and may manifest when a second challenge hits later in life.
De novo gene origination, where a previously nongenic genomic sequence becomes genic through evolution, is increasingly recognized as an important source of novelty. Many de novo genes have been proposed to be protein-coding, and a few have been experimentally shown to yield protein products. However, the systematic study of de novo proteins has been hampered by doubts regarding their translation without the experimental observation of protein products. Using a systematic, mass-spectrometry-first computational approach, we identify 993 unannotated open reading frames with evidence of translation (utORFs) in Drosophila melanogaster. To quantify the similarity of these utORFs across Drosophila and infer phylostratigraphic age, we develop a synteny-based protein similarity approach. Combining these results with reference datasets ontissue- and life stage-specific transcription and conservation, we identify different properties amongst these utORFs. Contrary to expectations, the fastest-evolving utORFs are not the youngest evolutionarily. We observed more utORFs in the brain than in the testis. Most of the identified utORFs may be of de novo origin, even accounting for the possibility of false-negative similarity detection. Finally, sequence divergence after an inferred de novo origin event remains substantial, suggesting that de novo proteins turn over frequently. Our results suggest that there is substantial unappreciated diversity in de novo protein evolution: many more may exist than previously appreciated; there may be divergent evolutionary trajectories, and they may be gained and lost frequently. All in all, there may not exist a single characteristic model of de novo protein evolution, but instead, there may be diverse evolutionary trajectories.
Omelchenko T
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Cellular protrusions in 3D: Orchestrating early mouse embryogenesis

Cellular protrusions generated by the actin cytoskeleton are central to the process of building the body of the embryo. Problems with cellular protrusions underlie human diseases and syndromes, including implantation defects and pregnancy loss, congenital birth defects, and cancer. Cells use protrusive activity together with actin -myosin contractility to create an ordered body shape of the embryo. Here, I review how actin-rich protrusions are used by two major morphological cell types, epithelial and mesenchymal cells, during collective cell migration to sculpt the mouse embryo body. Pre-gastrulation epithelial collective migration of the anterior visceral endoderm is essential for establishing the anterior-posterior body axis. Gastrulation mesenchymal collective migration of the mesoderm wings is crucial for body elongation, and somite and heart formation. Analysis of mouse mutants with disrupted cellular protrusions revealed the key role of protrusions in embryonic morphogenesis and embryo survival. Recent technical approaches have allowed examination of the mechanisms that control cell and tissue movements in vivo in the complex 3D microenvironment of living mouse embryos. Advancing our understanding of protrusion-driven morphogenesis should provide novel insights into human developmental disorders and cancer metastasis.
Erdos M, Boyarchuk O, Marodi L
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Case Report: Association between cyclic neutropenia and SRP54 deficiency

FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 2022 SEP 8; 13(?):? Article 975017
Autosomal dominant mutations in the signal recognition particle (SRP) 54 gene were recently described in patients with severe congenital neutropenia (SCN). SRP54 deficiency cause a chronic and profound neutropenia with maturation arrest at the promyelocyte stage, occurring in the first months of life. Nearly all reported patients with SRP54 mutations had neutropenia without a cyclic pattern and showed a poor or no response to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) therapy. We report here an 11-year-old female patient with cyclic neutropenia and recurrent heterozygous p.T117del (c.349_351del) in-frame deletion mutation in SRP54, who showed remarkable therapeutic response to G-CSF treatment. The diagnosis of cyclic pattern of neutropenia was established by acceptable standards. ELANE gene mutation was excluded by using various genetic approaches. The patient described here also had dolichocolon which has not been described before in association with SCN.
Plucinska K, Zaman S, Cohen P
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Fructose: Not sweet enough for brown fat?

CELL REPORTS MEDICINE 2022 SEP 20; 3(9):? Article 100747
In a randomized crossover study in humans, high fructose feeding reduced glucose uptake in brown fat without affecting the tissue's oxidative capacity. These effects were independent of alterations in the gut mi-crobiome.
Youssefian L, Saeidian AH, Tavasoli AR, Kalamati E, Naghipoor K, Hozhabrpour A, Mesdaghi M, Saffarian Z, Mahmoudi H, Nabavi M, Shokri S, Zeinali S, Beziat V, Casanova JL, Jouanguy E, Uitto J, Vahidnezhad H
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Recalcitrant Cutaneous Warts in a Family with Inherited ICOS Deficiency

Recalcitrant warts, caused by human papillomaviruses (HPVs), can be a cutaneous manifestation of inborn error of immunity. This study investigated the clinical manifestations, immunodeficiency, single-gene susceptibility, and HPV repertoire in a consanguineous family with severe sinopulmonary infections and recalcitrant warts. Clinical and immunologic evaluations, including FACS and lymphocyte transformation test, provided evidence for immunodeficiency. Combined whole-exome sequencing and genome-wide homozygosity mapping were utilized to disclose candidate sequence variants. Whole-transcriptome sequencing was used to concomitantly investigate the HPV genotypes and the consequences of detected sequence variants in the host. The proband, a male aged 41 years, was found to be homozygous for the c.6delG, p.Lys2Asnfs*17 variant in ICOS, encoding the inducible T-cell costimulator. This variant was located inside the 5 megabase of runs of homozygosity on 2q33.2. RNA sequencing confirmed the deleteriousness of the ICOS variant in three skin biopsies revealing significant downregulation of ICOS and its ligand, ICOSLG. Reads unaligned to the human genome were applied to 926 different viruses, and alpha-HPV57, beta-HPV107, beta-HPV14, and beta-HPV17 were detected. Collectively, we describe a previously unrecognized inborn error of T-cell immunity to HPVs, indicating that autosomal recessive ICOS deficiency can underlie recalcitrant warts, emphasizing the immunologic underpinnings of recalcitrant warts at the nexus of human and viral genomic variation.
Haselwandtera CA, Guoc YR, Fuc Z, MacKinnon R
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Elastic properties and shape of the Piezo dome underlying its mechanosensory function

We show in the companion paper that the free membrane shape of lipid bilayer vesicles containing the mechanosensitive ion channel Piezo can be predicted, with no free parameters, from membrane elasticity theory together with measurements of the protein geometry and vesicle size [C. A. Haselwandter, Y. R. Guo, Z. Fu, R. MacKinnon, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 10.1073/pnas.2208027119 (2022)]. Here we use these results to determine the force that the Piezo dome exerts on the free membrane and hence, that the free membrane exerts on the Piezo dome, for a range of vesicle sizes. From vesicle shape measurements alone, we thus obtain a force-distortion relationship for the Piezo dome, from which we deduce the Piezo dome's intrinsic radius of curvature, 42 +/- 12 nm, and bending stiffness, 18 +/- 2.1 k(B)T, in freestanding lipid bilayer membranes mimicking cell membranes. Applying these estimates to a spherical cap model of Piezo embedded in a lipid bilayer, we suggest that Piezo's intrinsic curvature, surrounding membrane footprint, small stiffness, and large area are the key properties of Piezo that give rise to low-threshold, high-sensitivity mechanical gating.
Cheng HY, Jarvis ED, Fedrigo O, Koepfli KP, Urban L, Gemmell NJ, Li H
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Haplotype-resolved assembly of diploid genomes without parental data

Routine haplotype-resolved genome assembly from single samples remains an unresolved problem. Here we describe an algorithm that combines PacBio HiFi reads and Hi-C chromatin interaction data to produce a haplotype-resolved assembly without the sequencing of parents. Applied to human and other vertebrate samples, our algorithm consistently outperforms existing single-sample assembly pipelines and generates assemblies of similar quality to the best pedigree-based assemblies.
Shebl B, Ng D, Lalazar G, Rosemore C, Finkelstein TM, Migler RD, Zheng GR, Zhang PY, Jiang CS, Qureshi A, Vaughan R, Yarchoan M, de Jong YP, Rice CM, Coffino P, Ortiz MV, Zhou DH, Simon SM
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Targeting BCL-XL in fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma

JCI INSIGHT 2022 SEP 8; 7(17):? Article e161820
Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FLC) is a rare and often lethal liver cancer with no proven effective systemic therapy. Inhibition of the antiapoptotic protein BCL-XL was found to synergize with a variety of systemic therapies in vitro using cells dissociated from patient-derived xenografts (PDX) of FLC or cells dissociated directly from surgical patient resections. As BCL-XL is physiologically expressed in platelets, prior efforts to leverage this vulnerability in other cancers have been hampered by severe thrombocytopenia. To overcome this toxicity, we treated FLC models with DT2216, a proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC) that directs BCL-XL for degradation via the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) E3 ligase, which is minimally expressed in platelets. The combination of irinotecan and DT2216 in vitro on cells directly acquired from patients or in vivo using several xenografts derived from patients with FLC demonstrated remarkable synergy and at clinically achievable doses not associated with significant thrombocytopenia.
Cai SW, Zinder JC, Svetlov V, Bush MW, Nudler E, Walz T, de Lange T
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Cryo-EM structure of the human CST-Pol alpha/primase complex in a recruitment state

The CST-Pol alpha/primase complex is essential for telomere maintenance and functions to counteract resection at double-strand breaks. We report a 4.6-angstrom resolution cryo-EM structure of human CST-Pol alpha/primase, captured prior to catalysis in a recruitment state stabilized by chemical cross-linking. Our structure reveals an evolutionarily conserved interaction between the C-terminal domain of the catalytic POLA1 subunit and an N-terminal expansion in metazoan CTC1. Cross-linking mass spectrometry and negative-stain EM analysis provide insight into CST binding by the flexible POLA1 N-terminus. Finally, Coats plus syndrome disease mutations previously characterized to disrupt formation of the CST-Pol alpha/primase complex map to protein-protein interfaces observed in the recruitment state. Together, our results shed light on the architecture and stoichiometry of the metazoan fill-in machinery.