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Park E, Ampbell EBC, MacKinnon R
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Structure of a CLC chloride ion channel by cryo-electron microscopy

NATURE 2017 JAN 26; 541(7638):500-505
CLC proteins transport chloride (Cl-) ions across cellular membranes to regulate muscle excitability, electrolyte movement across epithelia, and acidification of intracellular organelles. Some CLC proteins are channels that conduct Cl- ions passively, whereas others are secondary active transporters that exchange two Cl- ions for one H+. The structural basis underlying these distinctive transport mechanisms is puzzling because CLC channels and transporters are expected to share the same architecture on the basis of sequence homology. Here we determined the structure of a bovine CLC channel (CLC-K) using cryo-electron microscopy. A conserved loop in the Cl- transport pathway shows a structure markedly different from that of CLC transporters. Consequently, the cytosolic constriction for Cl- passage is widened in CLC-K such that the kinetic barrier previously postulated for Cl-/H+ transporter function would be reduced. Thus, reduction of a kinetic barrier in CLC channels enables fast flow of Cl- down its electrochemical gradient.
Tao X, Hite RK, MacKinnon R
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Cryo-EM structure of the open high-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel

NATURE 2017 JAN 5; 541(7635):46-51
The Ca2+-activated K+ channel, Slo1, has an unusually large conductance and contains a voltage sensor and multiple chemical sensors. Dual activation by membrane voltage and Ca2+ renders Slo1 central to processes that couple electrical signalling to Ca2+-mediated events such as muscle contraction and neuronal excitability. Here we present the cryoelectron microscopy structure of a full-length Slo1 channel from Aplysia californica in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ at a resolution of 3.5 angstrom. The channel adopts an open conformation. Its voltage-sensor domain adopts a non-domain-swapped attachment to the pore and contacts the cytoplasmic Ca2+-binding domain from a neighbouring subunit. Unique structural features of the Slo1 voltage sensor suggest that it undergoes different conformational changes than other known voltage sensors. The structure reveals the molecular details of three distinct divalent cation-binding sites identified through electrophysiological studies of mutant Slo1 channels.
Cohen JE, Poulin R, Lagrue C
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Linking parasite populations in hosts to parasite populations in space through Taylor's law and the negative binomial distribution

The spatial distribution of individuals of any species is a basic concern of ecology. The spatial distribution of parasites matters to control and conservation of parasites that affect human and nonhuman populations. This paper develops a quantitative theory to predict the spatial distribution of parasites based on the distribution of parasites in hosts and the spatial distribution of hosts. Four models are tested against observations of metazoan hosts and their parasites in littoral zones of four lakes in Otago, New Zealand. These models differ in two dichotomous assumptions, constituting a 2 x 2 theoretical design. One assumption specifies whether the variance function of the number of parasites per host individual is described by Taylor's law (TL) or the negative binomial distribution (NBD). The other assumption specifies whether the numbers of parasite individuals within each host in a square meter of habitat are independent or perfectly correlated among host individuals. We find empirically that the variance-mean relationship of the numbers of parasites per square meter is verywell described by TL but is not well described by NBD. Two models that posit perfect correlation of the parasite loads of hosts in a square meter of habitat approximate observations much better than two models that posit independence of parasite loads of hosts in a square meter, regardless of whether the variance-mean relationship of parasites per host individual obeys TL or NBD. We infer that high local interhost correlations in parasite load strongly influence the spatial distribution of parasites. Local hotspots could influence control and conservation of parasites.
Tian H, Sakmar TP, Huber T
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Measurement of Slow Spontaneous Release of 11-cis-Retinal from Rhodopsin

BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2017 JAN 10; 112(1):153-161
The vertebrate visual photoreceptor rhodopsin (Rho) is a unique G protein-coupled receptor as it utilizes a covalently tethered inverse agonist (11-cis-retinal) as the native ligand. Previously, electrophysiological studies showed that ligand binding of 11-cis-retinal in dark-adapted Rho was essentially irreversible with a half-life estimated to be 420 years, until after thermal isomerization to all-trans-retinal, which then slowly dissociates. This long lifetime of 11-cis-retinal binding was considered to be physiologically important for minimizing background signal (dark noise) of the visual system. However, in vitro biochemical studies on the thermal stability of Rho showed that Rho decays with a half-life on the order of days. In this study, we resolve the discrepancy by measuring the chromophore exchange rate of the bound 11-cis-retinal chromophore with free 9-cis-retinal from Rho in an in vitro phospholipid/detergent bicelle system. We conclude that the thermal decay of Rho primarily proceeds through spontaneous breaking of the covalent linkage between opsin and 11-cis-retinal, which was overlooked in the electrophysiological recording. We estimate that this slow spontaneous release of 11-cis-retinal from Rho should result in 104 to 105 free opsin molecules in a dark-adapted rod cell-a number that is three orders of magnitude higher than previously expected. We also discuss the physiological implications of these findings on the basal activity of opsins and the associated dark noise in the visual system.
Ge KK, Huang JJ, Wang W, Gu MG, Dai XC, Xu YQ, Wu HY, Li GD, Lu HR, Zhong J, Huang QS
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Serine protease inhibitor kazal-type 6 inhibits tumorigenesis of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells via its extracellular action

ONCOTARGET 2017; 8(4):5965-5975
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) causes significant medical burdens worldwide. Diagnosis, especially in the early stages, is still challenging. Therapeutic options are limited and often ineffective. Although several risk factors have been known important for development of HCC, the molecular basis of the process is rather complex and has not been fully understood. We have found that a subpopulation of HCC cells which are resistant to oncolytic parvovirus H1 superinfection highly express serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 6 (SPINK6). This protein is specifically reduced in all HCC cell lines and tissues we analyzed. When upregulated, SPINK6 could suppress the malignant phenotypes of the HCC cells in several in vitro models. The putative tumor suppression role of SPINK6 is, however, independent of its protease inhibitory activity. To suppress the malignancy of HCC cells, SPINK6 has to be secreted to trigger signals which regulate an intracellular signaling molecule, ERK1/2, as well as a series of downstream factors involved in cell cycle progression, apoptosis and migration. Our study supports that SPINK6 is an important tumor suppressor in liver, and further investigations may help develop more effective diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
Erdel F, Kratz K, Willcox S, Griffith JD, Greene EC, de Lange T
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Telomere Recognition and Assembly Mechanism of Mammalian Shelterin

CELL REPORTS 2017 JAN 3; 18(1):41-53
Shelterin is a six-subunit protein complex that plays crucial roles in telomere length regulation, protection, and maintenance. Although several shelterin subunits have been studied in vitro, the biochemical properties of the fully assembled shelterin complex are not well defined. Here, we characterize shelterin using ensemble biochemical methods, electron microscopy, and single-molecule imaging to determine how shelterin recognizes and assembles onto telomeric repeats. We show that shelterin complexes can exist in solution and primarily locate telomeric DNA through a three-dimensional diffusive search. Shelterin can diffuse along non-telomeric DNA but is impeded by nucleosomes, arguing against extensive one-dimensional diffusion as a viable assembly mechanism. Our work supports a model in which individual shelterin complexes rapidly bind to telomeric repeats as independent functional units, which do not alter the DNA-binding mode of neighboring complexes but, rather, occupy telomeric DNA in a "beads on a string'' configuration.
Rosales RA, Drummond RD, Valieris R, Dias-Neto E, da Silva IT
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signeR: an empirical Bayesian approach to mutational signature discovery

BIOINFORMATICS 2017 JAN 1; 33(1):8-16
Motivation: Mutational signatures can be used to understand cancer origins and provide a unique opportunity to group tumor types that share the same origins and result from similar processes. These signatures have been identified from high throughput sequencing data generated from cancer genomes by using non-negative matrix factorisation (NMF) techniques. Current methods based on optimization techniques are strongly sensitive to initial conditions due to high dimensionality and nonconvexity of the NMF paradigm. In this context, an important question consists in the determination of the actual number of signatures that best represent the data. The extraction of mutational signatures from high-throughput data still remains a daunting task. Results: Here we present a new method for the statistical estimation of mutational signatures based on an empirical Bayesian treatment of the NMF model. While requiring minimal intervention from the user, our method addresses the determination of the number of signatures directly as a model selection problem. In addition, we introduce two new concepts of significant clinical relevance for evaluating the mutational profile. The advantages brought by our approach are shown by the analysis of real and synthetic data. The later is used to compare our approach against two alternative methods mostly used in the literature and with the same NMF parametrization as the one considered here. Our approach is robust to initial conditions and more accurate than competing alternatives. It also estimates the correct number of signatures even when other methods fail. Results on real data agree well with current knowledge.
Brunner PM, Silverberg JI, Guttman-Yassky E, Paller AS, Kabashima K, Amagai M, Luger TA, Deleuran M, Werfel T, Eyerich K, Stingl G
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Increasing Comorbidities Suggest that Atopic Dermatitis Is a Systemic Disorder

Atopic dermatitis comorbidities extend well beyond the march to allergic conditions (food allergy, asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, and eosinophilic esophagitis), suggesting both cutaneous and systemic immune activation. In reviewing atopic dermatitis comorbidities, Councilors of the International Eczema Council found a strong pattern of immune activation in peripheral blood and the propensity to both skin and systemic infections. Associations with cardiovascular, neuropsychiatric, and malignant diseases were increasingly reported, but confirmation of their link with atopic dermatitis requires longitudinal studies. Given the possibility of atopic dermatitis-related systemic immune activation, future investigations of new interventions should concurrently examine the impact on these comorbidities.
Zhou J, Kaiser A, Ng C, Karcher R, McConnell T, Paczkowski P, Fernandez C, Zhang M, Mackay S, Tsuji M
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CD8+T-cell mediated anti-malaria protection induced by malaria vaccines; assessment of hepatic CD8+T cells by SCBC assay

Malaria is a severe infectious disease with relatively high mortality, thus having been a scourge of humanity. There are a few candidate malaria vaccines that have shown a protective efficacy in humans against malaria. One of the candidate human malaria vaccines, which is based on human malaria sporozoites and called PfSPZ Vaccine, has been shown to protect a significant proportion of vaccine recipients from getting malaria. PfSPZ Vaccine elicits a potent response of hepatic CD8+ T cells that are specific for malaria antigens in non-human primates. To further characterize hepatic CD8+ T cells induced by the sporozoite-based malaria vaccine in a mouse model, we have used a cutting-edge Single-cell Barcode (SCBC) assay, a recently emerged approach/method for investigating the nature of T-cells responses during infection or cancer. Using the SCBC technology, we have identified a population of hepatic CD8+ T cells that are polyfunctional at a single cell level only in a group of vaccinated mice upon malaria challenge. The cytokines/chemokines secreted by these polyfunctional CD8+ T-cell subsets include MIP-1 alpha, RANTES, IFN-gamma, and/or IL-17A, which have shown to be associated with protective T-cell responses against certain pathogens. Therefore, a successful induction of such polyfunctional hepatic CD8+ T cells may be a key to the development of effective human malaria vaccine. In addition, the SCBC technology could provide a new level of diagnostic that will allow for a more accurate determination of vaccine efficacy.
Chang LD, Lohaugen GC, Andres T, Jiang CS, Douet V, Tanizaki N, Walker C, Castillo D, Lim A, Skranes J, Otoshi C, Miller EN, Ernst TM
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Adaptive working memory training improved brain function in human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive patients

ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY 2017 JAN; 81(1):17-34
ObjectiveWe aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an adaptive working memory (WM) training (WMT) program, the corresponding neural correlates, and LMX1A-rs4657412 polymorphism on the adaptive WMT, in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) participants compared to seronegative (SN) controls. MethodsA total of 201 of 206 qualified participants completed baseline assessments before randomization to 25 sessions of adaptive WMT or nonadaptive WMT. A total of 74 of 76 (34 HIV, 42 SN) completed adaptive WMT and all 40 completed nonadaptive WMT (20 HIV, 20 SN) and were assessed after 1 month, and 55 adaptive WMT participants were also assessed after 6 months. Nontrained near-transfer WM tests (Digit-Span, Spatial-Span), self-reported executive functioning, and functional magnetic resonance images during 1-back and 2-back tasks were performed at baseline and each follow-up visit, and LMX1A-rs4657412 was genotyped in all participants. ResultsAlthough HIV participants had slightly lower cognitive performance and start index than SN at baseline, both groups improved on improvement index (>30%; false discovery rate [FDR] corrected p<0.0008) and nontrained WM tests after adaptive WMT (FDR corrected, p0.001), but not after nonadaptive WMT (training by training type corrected, p=0.01 to p=0.05) 1 month later. HIV participants (especially LMX1A-G carriers) also had poorer self-reported executive functioning than SN, but both groups reported improvements after adaptive WMT (Global: training FDR corrected, p=0.004), and only HIV participants improved after nonadaptive WMT. HIV participants also had greater frontal activation than SN at baseline, but brain activation decreased in both groups at 1 and 6 months after adaptive WMT (FDR corrected, p<0.0001), with normalization of brain activation in HIV participants, especially the LMX1A-AA carriers (LMX1A genotype by HIV status, cluster-corrected-p<0.0001). InterpretationAdaptive WMT, but not nonadaptive WMT, improved WM performance in both SN and HIV participants, and the accompanied decreased or normalized brain activation suggest improved neural efficiency, especially in HIV-LMX1A-AA carriers who might have greater dopaminergic reserve. These findings suggest that adaptive WMT may be an effective adjunctive therapy for WM deficits in HIV participants. ANN NEUROL 2017;81:17-34