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Yamashita M, Kuehn HS, Okuyama K, Okada S, Inoue Y, Mitsuiki N, Imai K, Takagi M, Kanegane H, Takeuchi M, Shimojo N, Tsumura M, Padhi AK, Zhang KYJ, Boisson B, Casanova JL, Ohara O, Rosenzweig SD, Taniuchi I, Morio T
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A variant in human AIOLOS impairs adaptive immunity by interfering with IKAROS

NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 2021 JUL; 22(7):893-903
The zinc-finger transcription factor IKAROS is essential for B cell development. Taniuchi, Morio and colleagues identify a human kindred presenting with B cell immunodeficiency that was caused by a heterozygous missense mutation in IKZF3 encoding the related AIOLOS protein. AIOLOS(G159R) is a mutant protein that interferes with both wild-type AIOLOS and IKAROS by forming heterodimers that bind to aberrant DNA-binding sites and prevent normal expression of IKAROS-dependent genes. In the present study, we report a human-inherited, impaired, adaptive immunity disorder, which predominantly manifested as a B cell differentiation defect, caused by a heterozygous IKZF3 missense variant, resulting in a glycine-to-arginine replacement within the DNA-binding domain of the encoded AIOLOS protein. Using mice that bear the corresponding variant and recapitulate the B and T cell phenotypes, we show that the mutant AIOLOS homodimers and AIOLOS-IKAROS heterodimers did not bind the canonical AIOLOS-IKAROS DNA sequence. In addition, homodimers and heterodimers containing one mutant AIOLOS bound to genomic regions lacking both canonical motifs. However, the removal of the dimerization capacity from mutant AIOLOS restored B cell development. Hence, the adaptive immunity defect is caused by the AIOLOS variant hijacking IKAROS function. Heterodimeric interference is a new mechanism of autosomal dominance that causes inborn errors of immunity by impairing protein function via the mutation of its heterodimeric partner.
Dong XX, Chao YJ, Zhou Y, Zhou R, Zhang W, Fischetti VA, Wang XH, Feng Y, Li JQ
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The global emergence of a novel Streptococcus suis clade associated with human infections

EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE 2021 JUL 7; 13(7):? Article e13810
Streptococcus suis, a ubiquitous bacterial colonizer in pigs, has recently extended host range to humans, leading to a global surge of deadly human infections and three large outbreaks since 1998. To better understand the mechanisms for the emergence of cross-species transmission and virulence in human, we have sequenced 366 S. suis human and pig isolates from 2005 to 2016 and performed a large-scale phylogenomic analysis on 1,634 isolates from 14 countries over 36 years. We show the formation of a novel human-associated clade (HAC) diversified from swine S. suis isolates. Phylogeographic analysis identified Europe as the origin of HAC, coinciding with the exportation of European swine breeds between 1960s and 1970s. HAC is composed of three sub-lineages and contains several healthy-pig isolates that display high virulence in experimental infections, suggesting healthy-pig carriers as a potential source for human infection. New HAC-specific genes are identified as promising markers for pathogen detection and surveillance. Our discovery of a human-associated S. suis clade provides insights into the evolution of this emerging human pathogen and extend our understanding of S. suis epidemics worldwide.
Fernandez-Martinez J, Rout MP
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One Ring to Rule them All? Structural and Functional Diversity in the Nuclear Pore Complex

The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the massive protein assembly that regulates the transport of macromolecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Recent breakthroughs have provided major insights into the structure of the NPC in different eukaryotes, revealing a previously unsuspected diversity of NPC architectures. In parallel, the NPC has been shown to be a key player in regulating essential nuclear processes such as chromatin organization, gene expression, and DNA repair. However, our knowledge of the NPC structure has not been able to address the molecular mechanisms underlying its regulatory roles. We discuss potential explanations, including the coexistence of alternative NPC architectures with specific functional roles.
Sancho-Shimizu V, Brodin P, Cobat A, Biggs CM, Toubiana J, Lucas CL, Henrickson SE, Belot A, Tangye SG, Milner JD, Levin M, Abel L, Bogunovic D, Casanova JL, Zhang SY
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SARS-CoV-2-related MIS-C: A key to the viral and genetic causes of Kawasaki disease?

JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 2021 JUN 7; 218(6):? Article e20210446
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) emerged in April 2020 in communities with high COVID-19 rates. This new condition is heterogenous but resembles Kawasaki disease (KD), a well-known but poorly understood and clinically heterogenous pediatric inflammatory condition for which weak associations have been found with a myriad of viral illnesses. Epidemiological data clearly indicate that SARS-CoV-2 is the trigger for MIS-C, which typically occurs about 1 mo after infection. These findings support the hypothesis of viral triggers for the various forms of classic KD. We further suggest that rare inborn errors of immunity (IEIs) altering the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 may underlie the pathogenesis of MIS-C in some children. The discovery of monogenic IEIs underlying MIS-C would shed light on its pathogenesis, paving the way for a new genetic approach to classic KD, revisited as a heterogeneous collection of IEIs to viruses.
Li L, Maclntyre LW, Brady SF
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Refactoring biosynthetic gene clusters for heterologous production of microbial natural products

Microbial natural products (NPs) are of paramount importance in human medicine, animal health and plant crop protection. Large-scale microbial genome and metagenomic mining has revealed tremendous biosynthetic potential to produce new NPs. However a majority of NP biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) are functionally inaccessible under standard laboratory conditions. BGC refactoring and heterologous expression provide a promising synthetic biology approach to NP discovery, yield optimization and combinatorial biosynthesis studies. In this review, we summarize the recent advances pertaining to the heterologous production of bacterial and fungal NPs, with an emphasis on next-generation transcriptional regulatory modules, novel BGC refactoring techniques and optimized heterologous hosts.
Moberg CL
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The discovery of dendritic cells

JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 2021 JUN 7; 218(6):? Article e20210830
Ibarlucea-Benitez I, Weitzenfeld P, Smith P, Ravetch JV
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Siglecs-7/9 function as inhibitory immune checkpoints in vivo and can be targeted to enhance therapeutic antitumor immunity

Given the role of myeloid cells in T cell activation and in the antitumor response, targeting checkpoint molecules expressed on this population represents a promising strategy to augment antitumor immunity. However, myeloid checkpoints that can be effectively used as immunotherapy targets are still lacking. Here, we demonstrate the therapeutic potential of targeting the myeloid receptors Siglec-7 and Siglec9 in vivo. By using a humanized immunocompetent murine model, we demonstrate that human Siglec-7 and Siglec-9, in addition to the murine homolog Siglec-E, inhibit the endogenous antitumor immune response, as well as the response to tumor-targeting and immune checkpoint inhibiting antibodies in vivo. The impact of these Siglecs on tumor progression is highly dependent on the anatomical distribution of the tumor and, as a consequence, the local tumor microenvironment, as tumors with a more immune-suppressive tumor microenvironment are less sensitive to Siglec perturbation. Finally, to assess the potential of these two receptors as targets for immunotherapy, we developed Fc engineered blocking antibodies to Siglec-7 and Siglec-9 and demonstrate that Siglec-7 and Siglec-9 blockade can significantly reduce tumor burden in vivo, demonstrating the therapeutic potential of targeting these two receptors.
Xu J, Zhao XL, Mao FBA, Basrur V, Ueberheide B, Chait BT, Allis CD, Taverna SD, Gao S, Wang W, Liu YF
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A Polycomb repressive complex is required for RNAi-mediated heterochromatin formation and dynamic distribution of nuclear bodies

NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 2021 JUN 4; 49(10):5407-5425
Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are widely utilized for transcriptional repression in eukaryotes. Here, we characterize, in the protist Tetrahymena thermophila, the EZL1 (E(z)-like 1) complex, with components conserved in metazoan Polycomb Repressive Complexes 1 and 2 (PRC1 and PRC2). The EZL1 complex is required for histone H3 K27 and K9 methylation, heterochromatin formation, transposable element control, and programmed genome rearrangement. The EZL1 complex interacts with EMA1, a helicase required for RNA interference (RNAi). This interaction is implicated in co-transcriptional recruitment of the EZL1 complex. Binding of H3K27 and H3K9 methylation by PDD1-another PcG protein interacting with the EZL1 complex-reinforces its chromatin association. The EZL1 complex is an integral part of Polycomb bodies, which exhibit dynamic distribution in Tetrahymena development: Their dispersion is driven by chromatin association, while their coalescence by PDD1, likely via phase separation. Our results provide a molecular mechanism connecting RNAi and Polycomb repression, which coordinately regulate nuclear bodies and reorganize the genome.
Gultekin YB, Hildebrand DGC, Hammerschmidt K, Hage SR
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High plasticity in marmoset monkey vocal development from infancy to adulthood

SCIENCE ADVANCES 2021 JUN; 7(27):? Article eabf2938
The vocal behavior of human infants undergoes marked changes across their first year while becoming increasingly speech-like. Conversely, vocal development in nonhuman primates has been assumed to be largely predetermined and completed within the first postnatal months. Contradicting this assumption, we found a dichotomy between the development of call features and vocal sequences in marmoset monkeys, suggestive of a role for experience. While changes in call features were related to physical maturation, sequences of and transitions between calls remained flexible until adulthood. As in humans, marmoset vocal behavior developed in stages correlated with motor and social development stages. These findings are evidence for a prolonged phase of plasticity during marmoset vocal development, a crucial primate evolutionary preadaptation for the emergence of vocal learning and speech.
Foreman HCC, Kirillov V, Paniccia G, Catalano D, Andrunik T, Gupta S, Krug LT, Zhang Y
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RNA-guided gene editing of the murine gammaherpesvirus 68 genome reduces infectious virus production

PLOS ONE 2021 JUN 4; 16(6):? Article e0252313
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV) are cancer-causing viruses that establish lifelong infections in humans. Gene editing using the Cas9-guideRNA (gRNA) CRISPR system has been applied to decrease the latent load of EBV in human Burkitt lymphoma cells. Validating the efficacy of Cas9-gRNA system in eradicating infection in vivo without off-target effects to the host genome will require animal model systems. To this end, we evaluated a series of gRNAs against individual genes and functional genomic elements of murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) that are both conserved with KSHV and important for the establishment of latency or reactivation from latency in the host. gRNA sequences against ORF50, ORF72 and ORF73 led to insertion, deletion and substitution mutations in these target regions of the genome in cell culture. Murine NIH3T3 fibroblast cells that stably express Cas9 and gRNAs to ORF50 were most resistant to replication upon de novo infection. Latent murine A20 B cell lines that stably express Cas9 and gRNAs against MHV68 were reduced in their reactivation by approximately 50%, regardless of the viral gene target. Lastly, co-transfection of HEK293T cells with the vector expressing the Cas9-MHV68 gRNA components along with the viral genome provided a rapid read-out of gene editing and biological impact. Combinatorial, multiplex MHV68 gRNA transfections in HEK293T cells led to near complete ablation of infectious particle production. Our findings indicate that Cas9-gRNA editing of the murine gammaherpesvirus genome has a deleterious impact on productive replication in three independent infection systems.