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Info for Teachers

Stopping Cancer in Its Tracks: Fighting Cancer Metastasis

Featuring Sohail Tavazoie, M.D., Ph.D.

10:30 AM – 2:00 PM
The Rockefeller University
Caspary Auditorium
1230 York Avenue at East 66th Street
New York, NY 10065

We hope your school will participate by selecting up to ten students with a strong interest in science. Please visit the Info for Students page to view a schedule for the day and the many interesting and fun activities planned.

Teachers Talking Science


  • Students must be currently enrolled in high school.
  • Given the level of the material being presented, we would recommend that you give preference to juniors and seniors.
  • All student groups must be accompanied by at least one teacher.
  • All attendees must be registered in advance using the online reservation form.

Day of the Event Information

  • Talking Science will take place at The Rockefeller University, which is located on the east side of Manhattan. Students and teachers are responsible for their own transportation to and from the event.
  • Teachers should plan to arrive before 10:00 AM to receive their school’s welcome packet. Students should arrive no later than 10:15 AM to receive a name badge, which is required to proceed into the auditorium, from their teacher.
  • Talking Science is provided at no cost to the students or the schools.
  • All students will receive a certificate of completion.

Check out more on the speaker

Sohail Tavazoie Bio

Tavazoie Lab


Talking Science logo

For its support of this program, Rockefeller University gratefully acknowledges:

The Andreas C. Dracopoulos Family Science and Society Initiative

Bristol Meyers Squibb logo


Brandon Fleischer
Assistant Director
Outreach Programming and Events
The Rockefeller University
1230 York Avenue, Box 164
New York, NY 10065