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Unique Equipment

Welcome to the Rockefeller University Bio-Imaging Resource Center, where cutting-edge research meets state-of-the-art imaging technology.

We are thrilled to extend our warmest invitation to external users to explore our unparalleled range of advanced equipment, exclusive to our facility. We take pride in offering a diverse array of unique imaging instruments that are poised to elevate your research to new heights.

To see a fuller description of these and other equipment, please refer to this page.

Among our exceptional equipment, you will find:

  • 730 Laser on the Inverted LSM 980 laser scanning confocal microscope (Zeiss) – “Molly
  • RS-G4 resonant scanning confocal system (Caliber ID) – “Cutlass Liz
  • Facility Line STED/confocal system (Abberior) – “Pirate King
  • InstantSIM (iSIM) real-time super-resolution system (VisiTech/BioVision/Leica/Mizar) – “Scopey McScopeface
  • OMX Blaze 3D-SIM super-resolution microscope (Applied Precision/GE/Leica) – “Reverend Hedges”
  • CellVoyager (Yokagawa/Olympus) – “HMSBeagle
  • Widefield/ TIRF system (Nikon) with widefield-FLIM and TIRF-FLIM – “Piella”