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User Rates for Fiscal Year 2025

Internal Users:

User fees are used to offset the cost-of-service contracts, consumables and Center staff, all of which are needed to keep the equipment and the facility in good working order. We encourage all researchers who are planning to use the Center to include funds for use of the microscopes and support from Center staff in the budgets of their grant applications. Rates shown below are for Rockefeller University users and are per hour:

Bio-Imaging Resource Center User Fees for FY25
July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
System  $/Hour 
OMX 3D-SIM super-resolution system $74.00
Nikon Ring-TIRF microscope $74.00
Abberior STED Facility Line super-resolution/confocal $74.00
Instant SIM (iSIM) real-time super-resolution / Mizar TILT system $74.00
LaVision Ultramicroscope $74.00
Olympus multiphoton microscope $68.00
Zeiss 980 confocal microscope $68.00
Zeiss 880 confocal/multiphoton microscope $68.00
Zeiss 780 confocal microscope $68.00
Caliber ID RS-G4 ribbon scanning confocal $68.00
Zeiss CellDiscoverer7 $50.00
Spinning disk confocal microscope $50.00
Olympus CellVoyager $50.00
DeltaVision $50.00
Olympus IX71 $30.00
Zeiss Axioplan $30.00
Tissue culture/dissection microscopes no charge
Basic workstations $12.00
Advanced workstations $16.00
Staff assistance $95.00
Image analysis assistance $129.00


Microscope rates are reduced to 25% of the above for long-term time-lapse experiments, according to instrument demand. The reduced rate applies once a user has been logged on to any system for 8 hours of continuous use, and applies for the rest of that session, as long as they remain logged on.  **Staff assistance, whether during training or in an assisted use microscope session, is in addition to the user fees for time on the microscope or workstation.**

External Users:

Rates for external users are 1.5 times those shown above for internal Rockefeller users, except for instruments that are locally unique to the Rockefeller University such as the DeltaVisions, the OMX and the STED system. These are charged at the internal rate. The list of microscopes in this category changes according to what is available at nearby institutions, so please contact Alison North for the most current information.