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Event Detail (Archived)

Somatic Mutation and Selection in Ageing Tissues

  • This event already took place in March 2025
  • Caspary Auditorium

Event Details

Friday Lecture Series
Inigo Martincorena, Ph.D., group leader, Wellcome Sanger Institute
Speaker bio(s)

Somatic mutations underpin cancer development and have been speculated to contribute to ageing and a range of diseases. Over the past 15 years, the ability to sequence cancer genomes has transformed our understanding of the genetics and evolution of a wide range of cancers. However, owing to technical limitations, much less is known about the earliest steps of cancer and how cells in our tissues accumulate mutations during normal ageing. In this talk, Dr. Martincorena will summarise his lab's work over the past few years on the extent and consequences of somatic mutation and clonal selection in normal tissues. He will also discuss how recent technological developments are opening new frontiers in this nascent and exciting field.

Inigo graduated in biology and biochemistry in Spain in 2007, followed by a Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge in 2008-2012 on evolutionary genomics, and a postdoc with Peter Campbell at the Sanger Institute in 2013-2016. He has been a group leader at the Sanger Institute (Cambridge, UK) since 2016. In the last 10 years, Inigo and his collaborators have shown that mutant clones with cancer-driver mutations colonise human solid tissues throughout life. His group is largely focused on understanding the extent and impact of this phenomenon in ageing tissues and a range of diseases.

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