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Event Detail (Archived)

Human Reference Genomes for High-precision Omics Analyses

  • This event already took place in July 2024
  • Carson Family Auditorium (CRC)

Event Details

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Simona Giunta, associate professor, University of Rome Sapienza
Speaker bio(s)

Simona Giunta is an Associate Professor of Human Genomics and Head of the Giunta Laboratory of Genome Evolution at the University of Rome Sapienza, where she integrates cutting-edge genomics, sequencing and computational approaches to understand the functional polymorphism of human DNA repeats, with a particular focus on centromeres. Simona obtained her Ph.D. in Cancer Research at the University of Cambridge, where she pioneered the study of DNA damage responses in mitosis under the mentorship of Sir Prof. Steve Jackson. She held positions at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL/ILL) in France and the CSIRO (Australia). She was then a Research Associate in the Funabiki lab at the Rockefeller University in New York (USA) for nearly a decade, before establishing her own laboratory in Rome with the support of the Montalcini Assistant professorship from the Italian Ministry of Education, the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie fellowship from the European Research Council, SEAL of Excellence funding from the University and a Start-Up Grant from the Italian Cancer Foundation AIRC. In 2022, Simona received the prestigious ERC Starting Grant for her work on centromere repetitive DNA instability. Simona is the founding President of a non-profit NGO for science outreach, co-founding President & Chair of the Genome Integrity Italian Network (GiiN), and a passionate advocate for gender equality in STEM.

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