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Kavli Mini-symposium on Genetics of the Nervous System and Behavior

Event Details

Kavli Neural Systems Institute
Likui Feng, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow, The Rockefeller University, Genetic Insights into Serotonergic Modulation Across Diverse Foraging Contexts
Jennifer Merritt, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow, Columbia University, The Genetic Causes and Behavioral Consequences of Glucocorticoid Evolution in Deer Mice
Michael Shahandeh, Ph.D., assistant professor, Hofstra University, Evolution of Circadian Behavioral Plasticity Through Cis-regulatory Divergence of a Neuropeptide Gene
Tulsi Patel, Ph.D., assistant professor, Rutgers University, Collapse of Embryonic Identities and Emergence of Functional Diversity During Motor Neuron Maturation
Josie Clowney, Ph.D., associate professor, University of Michigan, Diverse Neuronal Wiring Identities from a Common Cell Fate
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