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Event Detail (Archived)

Learning Spatial and Temporal Structure in Novel Environments

  • This event already took place in February 2025
  • A Level Physics Seminar Room, Room A30, Smith Hall Annex (CRC)

Event Details

Center for Studies in Physics and Biology Seminars
Gautum Reddy, Ph.D., assistant professor, Princeton University
Speaker bio(s)

Learning involves forming associations between events that are separated in space and time. Classical theories of reinforcement learning (RL) explain many aspects of animal learning, but certain important puzzles remain unresolved. I will present two stories involving learning phenomena that are in apparent contradiction with established RL theory: (1) 'a-ha' moments while rodents learn to navigate maze-like environments, and (2) how animals measure the passage of time during classical conditioning.

Open to
(212) 327-8636
Melanie Lee
(212) 327-8636

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