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Kavli NSI Symposium: Latest Advances in Tissue Clearning Using the Whole Mount Clearing Approach iDISCO+

Presented as part of the Kavli NSI-sponsored Whole Mount Tissue Clearing Workshop at Rockefeller University, April 14-18, 2025

Event Details

Kavli Neural Systems Institute
8:45 a.m.: Marc Schneeberger Pane, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology; Faculty Member, Center for Neurocognition and Behavior, Center for Neurocomputation and Machine Intelligence, and Wu Tsai Institute, Yale School of Medicine, Welcome Remarks
9:00 a.m.: Zhuhao Wu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Neuroscience Helen and Robert Appel, Alzheimer's Disease Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medicine, Towards Quantitative Mapping of Organ-Wide Patterns with Whole Mount Imaging
9:50 a.m.: Rui Chang, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology and Neuroscience; Faculty Member, Wu Tsai Institute, Yale School of Medicine, Unravelling the “Little Brain” on the Heart: Pathways to Heart Homeostasis and Stress Resilience
11:00 a.m.: Tamas Horvath, Ph.D., Jean and David W. Wallace Professor and Chair of Comparative Medicine; Professor of Neuroscience and of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, Yale School of Medicine, Keynote Lecture: The Hypothalamus in Body-Brain-Communications
1:20 p.m.: Nicolas Renier, Ph.D., Team Leader, Laboratory of Structural Plasticity, Paris Brain Institute, Revisiting the Cross-Talks between Neural and Vascular Plasticity in the Adult Brain
2:10 p.m.: Tatz Murakami, Ph.D., Research Associate, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, The Rockefeller University, Artificial Intelligence-driven Whole-brain Cell Mapping with Highly Multiplexed In Situ Hybridization
2:35 p.m.: Daxiang Na, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Yale School of Medicine, Neurovascular Network Rewiring in Obese Brain
3:20 p.m.: Lina Marcela Carmona, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Neurobiology, T.H. Chan School of Medicine, University of Massachusetts, Cell-Type and Cell-state Engaging during Motor Learning
4:10 p.m.: Paul A. Muller, Ph.D., '14, Senior Scientist, Kallyope, Probing Enteric Neuron Function In vivo With and Eye Towards the Clinic
Open to
10:40 - 11:00 a.m. Coffee Break; 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Lunch Break; 3:00 - 3:20 p.m. Coffee Break

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