Memory, Mind and Mechanism

A Symposium in Honor of the Centenary of Brenda Milner
December 11, 20189:00 am – 6:00 pm
Caspary Auditorium, The Rockefeller University
Register by November 26th
Original Photo: McGill UniversityRegister
Elizabeth BuffaloRosa Cossart
Daniel Dombeck
Jeffrey Magee
Kelsey Martin
John O’Keefe
Michael Posner
Marcus Raichle
Daniel Schacter
Erin Schuman
Larry Squire
Organized by:
Columbia University, New York University, and The Rockefeller University
Sponsored by:
The Shelby White and Leon Levy Center for Mind, Brain and Behavior
The Center for Neural Science and the Neuroscience Institute at New York University
The Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute at Columbia University