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Data generated from ThermoFisher Attune NxT

IMPORTANT: No external HD or flash drives are permitted for use. Data generated from instruments or workstations of FCRC have to be moved to Rockefeller University File Store (RUFS, also called CFS) for storage or transferring to personal devices. For instructions click on Rockefeller Cloud Storage & File Shares.

  1. After completion of the acquisition the experimental file should be temporary saved to the “T:\your folder” on the computer.
  2. FCS files should be exported to “T:\your folder\FCS“. Create a new folder with the name same as your experimental file with adding “_FCS” (Example: “xxxAT_YYYYMMMMDD_FCS” and export your FCS files into this folder.
  3. To avoid problems, after the completion of the experiment, the experimental file and FCS folder should be immediately transferred to your CFS Folder. Delete all the experiment files and FCS files from T:\.
  4. Researchers are responsible to make archival copies of their data immediately after they accomplished data acquisition:
    1. We suggest that researchers make at least two copies of the data and store them in separate locations.
    2. To conserve CFS space and costs, we suggest removing originals from CFS as soon as you have made copies of your data.