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C. David Allis, the 2008 ASBMB-Merck Award, from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The award, which includes $5,000, recognizes outstanding contributions to research in biochemistry and molecular biology. Dr. Allis, head of the Laboratory of Chromatin Biology and Epigenetics, will receive the award and present a lecture at the ASBMB annual meeting in San Diego, California, in April.

Emil C. Gotschlich, the 2008 Dart/NYU Biotechnology Alumnus Achievement Award, for his development in the 1960s of vaccines against Groups A and C meningococcal meningitis, and for his later studies of the pathogenicity of streptococci and gonococci. The Dart/NYU awards recognize the role of pure science in the development of pharmaceuticals and honor those scientists whose work has led to major advances in patient care. Dr. Gotschlich, head of the Laboratory of Bacterial Pathogenesis, will be presented with the award at a special symposium at New York University on March 31. Arnold J. Levine, professor at the Institute for Advanced Study and former president of Rockefeller University, is also one of this year’s awardees.

Promoted (academic appointments):

Robert Agate, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, Nottebohm Lab.

Chae Gyu Park, from research associate to research assistant professor, Steinman Lab.

Cristian Perez, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, Friedman Lab.


David Amadu, research assistant, Steinman Lab.

Sigalit Benjamin, postdoctoral associate, Steller Lab.

Marun Capoor, visiting scientist, Fischetti Lab.

William Carey, administrative assistant, Hatten Lab.

Hung-Yuan Chi, postdoctoral associate, Fuchs Lab.

Hyo-Young Chung, postdoctoral associate, Rice Lab.

Fabien Decaillot, postdoctoral associate, Sakmar Lab.

Aimee deCathelineau, associate editor, JCB, The Rockefeller University Press.

Jeffrey DeGrasse, postdoctoral associate, Chait Lab.

Keya Doyle, wireless administrator, Telecommunications Services.

Camille Fontaine, research assistant, Pfaff Lab.

Genevieve Hannon, laboratory administrator, Muir Lab.

Yoshika Hayakawa-Yano, postdoctoral associate, Robert Darnell Lab.

Leanne Johnson, postdoctoral associate, Krueger Lab.

Lennox Joslyn, animal attendant, CBC.

Dimitris Kallifidas, postdoctoral associate, Brady Lab.

Jung-Min Kee, postdoctoral associate, Muir Lab.

Jung-Ae Kim, postdoctoral associate, Allis Lab.

Danielle King, laboratory administrator, Tarakhovsky Lab.

Wu Li, member of the adjunct faculty, Gilbert Lab.

Francisca Lottersberger, postdoctoral associate, de Lange Lab.

Joana Loureiro, postdoctoral fellow, Rice Lab.

Chen Luxenburg, postdoctoral associate, Fuchs Lab.

Philip Mazzola, senior Windows systems administrator, Information Technology.

Lisa Mercado, animal attendant, CBC.

Roxana Mironska, research assistant, Rout Lab.

Hiroshi Mitsui, visiting assistant professor, Krueger Lab.

Gladys Negron, assistant metabolic cook, Hospital Bionutrition.

Eleonore Real, postdoctoral fellow, Vosshall Lab.

Joel Richter, visiting professor, Robert Darnell Lab.

Joseph Schauer, research assistant, Steinman Lab.

Nicholas Schiff, member of the adjunct faculty, Pfaff Lab.

Thomas Luke Simmons, postdoctoral associate, Brady Lab.

Christina Ann Sobin, member of the adjunct faculty, McEwen Lab.

Margaret Sosa, laboratory administrator, Kreek Lab.

Isaul Vargas, Java programmer, Hospital Informatics.

Robert Weiss, administrative assistant, Hirsch Lab.

Haiqiang Yu, visiting scientist, Proteomics Resource Center.

Yuan Yuan, postdoctoral associate, Robert Darnell Lab.

Neta Zach, postdoctoral fellow, Gilbert Lab.

This publication lists new hires, retirements, awards and promotions. Staff promotions are listed yearly; academic promotions and appointments are listed monthly.