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Visiting Scholars Program seminars begin next week. During their stay, Rockefeller’s visiting scholars, Peter Goodfellow and Philip Campbell, will give special seminars, together and separately. The schedule, along with their campus contact information, is below.

Peter Goodfellow:

Monday, October 22
The Sociology and Science of Drug Discovery
Insight Lecture
6 p.m., Caspary Auditorium

Thursday, October 25
Neglected Diseases — Should We Adopt the Prince Philip Approach?
Tri-Institutional Forum on Neglected Diseases
4 p.m., Uris Auditorium, Weill Medical College of Cornell University

Tuesday, October 30
How to Form a Science-based Company
Seminar and Discussion
4 p.m., Cohn Library

Peter Goodfellow & Philip Campbell:

Thursday, November 1
Creativity and Science
Panel Discussion, moderated by Paul Nurse
4 p.m., Cohn Library

Philip Campbell:

Tuesday, November 6
Sciences of Human Enhancement
Insight Lecture
5:30 p.m., Caspary Auditorium

Thursday, November 8
Communicating Science to Your Peers, to Stakeholders and to the Public
Seminar and Discussion
4 p.m., Cohn Library

Peter Goodfellow
October 22 to November 2

Philip Campbell
October 29 to November 9

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