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Convocation 2008

cover_photo_linkedWhen The Rockefeller University held its first Convocation in 1959, there were only five graduates. As of June 12, nearly 1,000 scientists are recipients of the Rockefeller University doctor of philosophy degree.

This year’s festivities began with a graduate luncheon, followed by a cap-and-gown procession across campus to the degree-granting ceremony in Caspary Auditorium, a graduate reception on Peggy Rockefeller Plaza and an alumni reunion reception in Weiss Café.

The class of 2008 is the fourth in the David Rockefeller Graduate Program (named in 2005). It includes 13 men and 13 women from eight countries: Canada, China, England, Germany, India, Japan, Taiwan and the United States. Twenty Rockefeller labs were represented by the graduates and nine of them, members of the Tri-Institutional M.D.-Ph.D. Program, will continue on to medical school. Others will begin careers in academia, industry or other fields.

This annual Convocation issue of BenchMarks salutes the Rockefeller University class of 2008.