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The next generation Many of this year’s graduates are moving on to new pursuits outside of Rockefeller University, but this fall, 29 new scientist-scholars will fill the ranks. The university’s screening committee — overseen by the Dean’s Office and including Sean Brady, Hironori Funabiki, Charles Gilbert, Magda Konarska, James Krueger, Stanislas Leibler, Marcelo Magnasco, F. Nina Papavasiliou, C. Erec Stebbins and Leslie Vosshall — vetted applications from 558 prospective students over the winter months and pared them down to 84.

Next year’s new students include 13 women and 16 men, from 14 countries: Argentina, China, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Tanzania, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States. Their alma maters include: Aga Khan University Medical College, Auburn University, Brown University, Columbia University, Ewha Womans University, Fordham University, Harvard University, Haverford College, National Taiwan University, National University of Singapore, New York University, Princeton University, Scripps College, Stanford University, The University of Tokyo, the University of Auckland, the University of Auckland Medical School, the University of Buenos Aires, the University of California, Berkeley, the University of California, Davis, the University of Cambridge, the University of Kansas, the University of Konstanz, the University of Madras, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Western Washington University and Yale University.