Coming soon, to The David Rockefeller Graduate Program
As the class of 2011 prepares to move on, a new batch of graduate students is set to take their place. Rockefeller’s application screening committee pored over 797 applications of potential new students this year, eventually winnowing the list down to 93 acceptances. Of those, 30 have enrolled in The David Rockefeller Graduate Program this fall and one has deferred admission until 2012.
The 2011 entering class includes 17 men and 13 women from seven countries:
Albania, Austria, Mexico, the Netherlands, Singapore, Turkey and the United States. Their alma maters include: Augusta State University, Ball State University, Bilkent University, Cornell University, Fordham University, Hunter College, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Karl Franzens University, Kenyon College, Linfield College, National Autonomous University of Mexico, New York University, Saint John’s College, Spelman College, Texas Christian University, Tufts University, University of Amsterdam, University of Arizona, University of Chicago, University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, University of Pennsylvania, University of Rochester, University of the South, University of Wisconsin, Madison and Yale University.