New online system to quickly report and address non-emergency issues
by Wynne Parry, science writer

All submissions to NotifyRU go directly to security, as well as other departments, depending on the type of complaint.
Broken locks or stuck doors, loud music, shattered glass—these aren’t emergencies, but they need to be addressed. Now, with the new NotifyRU system, community members can simultaneously relay these concerns to security and the appropriate department.
Modeled on New York City’s 311, NotifyRU is an online system intended to act as a central portal for a myriad of lower-level issues that can arise on campus, be they related to security, safety, construction, noise, facility maintenance, or operations.
“This system was put together, with great assistance from Information Technology, to encourage people to report non-emergency, nonconfidential problems to us more expeditiously,” says James Rogers, director of security. “The quicker we find out about things, the quicker we can address them and keep the university running smoothly.”
When filing a report in the system, users can submit up to three photos that help describe the issue. All submissions go to security as well as other departments, depending on the type of complaint.
To access the system, log into the Inside Rockefeller campus portal, then click the red NotifyRU tab on the far right. To report emergencies, please call extension 1111. To report confidential matters, contact human resources at extension 8300 or Security at extension 8506. Routine maintenance issues should be directed to plant operations at extension 8001.