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Dirk Albrecht, Maria Neimark Geffen and Jan Skotheim, 2008 Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Awards at the Scientific Interface. The grants, which come with $500,000 each over five years, are designed to foster the early career advancement of researchers with backgrounds in the physical and/or computational sciences whose work addresses biological questions. Dr. Albrecht is a postdoc in the Bargmann lab; Dr. Geffen is a fellow at the Center for Studies in Physics and Biology; and Dr. Skotheim is a postdoc in the Siggia lab.

Sean F. Brady, a 2007 Searle Scholarship, for innovative research in the chemical/biomedical sciences. Dr. Brady, head of the Laboratory of Genetically Encoded Small Molecules, is one of 15 Searle Scholars this year.

Sean F. Brady, a Sinsheimer Scholar Award from the Alexandrine and Alexander L. Sinsheimer Fund. The award, a grant of $50,000 each year for three years, is made to individuals in the early stage of their careers who demonstrate potential for making major contributions with respect to the prevention or cure of human disease.

Paul Greengard, the 2007 Science and the City Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in New York City, from the New York Academy of Sciences. Dr. Greengard is Vincent Astor Professor and head of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience.

Charles M. Rice, the 2007 M.W. Beijerinck Virology Prize, awarded by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. The prize, which includes a cash award of euro34,000, is given every three years. Dr. Rice, who is Maurice R. and Corinne P. Greenberg Professor and head of the Laboratory of Virology and Infectious Disease, will be presented with the award in Amsterdam on December 17.

Leslie B. Vosshall, a 2008 Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists from the New York Academy of Sciences. The award recognizes the achievements of young scientists and engineers born in or after 1965 who have contributed significantly to interdisciplinary research in the life, physical and social sciences and engineering. The prize, which comes with an unrestricted cash prize of $25,000, was presented at the fourth annual NYAS Science and the City Gala on November 12. Dr. Vosshall is Chemers Family Associate Professor and head of the Laboratory of Neurogenetics and Behavior.


The Neuroscience of Fair Play: Why We (Usually) Follow the Golden Rule, by Donald W. Pfaff. Published this month by The University of Chicago Press, Dr. Pfaff’s book challenges our understanding of ethics and social contracts with the proposition that the Golden Rule is hardwired into the human brain. “The book provides a realistic theoretical mechanism as to how the human nervous system produces behaviors that are in accord with a universal ethical principle,” says Dr. Pfaff, head of the Laboratory of Neurobiology and Behavior.

Promoted (academic appointments):

Hironori Funabiki, from assistant professor to associate professor, Funabiki Lab.

Kang Liu, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, Nussenzweig Lab.

Michelle Lowes, from instructor in clinical investigation to assistant professor of clinical investigation, Krueger Lab.

Jan Lunemann, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, Münz Lab.

Michael Rendl, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, Fuchs Lab.

Anne Schaefer, from postdoctoral fellow to research associate, Greengard Lab.

Milos Vujanac, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, Stebbins Lab.

Qingjun Wang, from postdoctoral associate to research associate, Chait Lab.


Diana Bernal-Messinger, clinical research nurse practitioner, Hospital Program Direction.

Janisha Biyanwila, research assistant, Blobel Lab.

Andrea Castagneto, teacher, Child and Family Center.

Chia Chan, postdoctoral associate, Strickland Lab.

John Edmond, security guard, Security.

Estanislado S. Esparza, immigration and academic appointments assistant, Human Resources.

Liang Feng, postdoctoral associate, MacKinnon Lab.

Elizabeth K. Fitzgerald, assistant to the associate vice president, Research Support.

Andres Gottfried, visiting fellow, McEwen Lab.

Kristina Hedbacker, postdoctoral associate, Friedman Lab.

Stephen Hooper, mail room clerk, Mail Room.

Loren Hough, postdoctoral associate, Rout Lab.

Garud Iyenger, visiting associate professor, Leibler Lab.

Charalampos Kariolis, painter, Housing Faculty House.

Robert Landick, visiting professor, Darst Lab.

Benjamin Lasalata, immigration and academic appointments specialist, Human Resources.

Indira Londono, research support assistant, Transgenic Services.

Troy Milliam, security guard, Security.

Remi Monasson, visiting scientist, Leibler Lab.

Dariush Moussai, visiting fellow, Krueger Lab.

Yigal Dov Nochomovitz, postdoctoral associate, Siggia Lab.

Thomas R. Noriega, research assistant, Blobel Lab.

Eudys Pina, animal attendant, LARC.

Vito Piscitello, assistant superintendent, Housing Scholars Residence.

Gregory Resch, postdoctoral fellow, Fischetti Lab.

Selina Riddick, animal technician, Greengard Lab.

Israr Ahmad Sheikh, visiting scientist, Pfaff Lab.

Edward Siden, visiting associate professor, Nussenzweig Lab.

Patricia Smith, administrative assistant, LARC.

Leah Souffrant, administrative assistant, Wiesel Lab.

Xiao-Jian Sun, postdoctoral fellow, Roeder Lab.

Joanna Szlichcinska, research assistant, James Darnell Lab.

Selima D. Taylor, assistant, clinical research support, Hospital Clinical Research Office.

Mary Walkey, electrician, Plant Operations Maintenance Shop.

Yu-Ying Yang, postdoctoral fellow, Hang Lab.

This publication lists new hires, retirements, awards and promotions. Staff promotions are listed yearly; academic promotions and appointments are listed monthly.