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Convocation is June 21. The Rockefeller community will celebrate the presentation of Ph.D. degrees to 28 graduate students at the 2007 Convocation on Thursday, June 21. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and naturalist Edward O. Wilson will receive honorary degrees. The David Rockefeller Award will be presented to Frederick A. Terry Jr., who has served on the Committee for Trust and Estate Gift Plans since 1982 and the Board of Trustees since 1992.

The schedule of events:
2:30 p.m. Academic Processional from Weiss Lobby to Caspary Auditorium. All are welcome to gather along the route.

3 p.m. Convocation, Caspary Auditorium. Tickets are required. For tickets, please call Erin Harkey, x8072.

5:30 p.m. Reception, Peggy Rockefeller Plaza. All are welcome.

Publishing style guide is available. Communications and Public Affairs (CPA) has copies of the Rockefeller University style guide available for anyone in the Rockefeller community. The style guide is a reference used by CPA to maintain consistency of language standards — issues like capitalization, spelling, italics and punctuation — in its publications to external audiences. For copies, or for questions about the style guide, contact Talley Henning Brown, x7690 or

The ducks have returned. This year the Philosophers Garden fountain is home to not one but two broods of mallard duck chicks. As of press time, the older family counted 11 chicks and the younger family had five. Plant Operations has installed a second plank at the edge of the pond to ease the youngsters’ way in and out of the water. Visitors to the ducks are strongly discouraged against feeding the animals, who can develop an unhealthy dependence on human food.