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Pradeep Kumar, a Keck Futures Initiative grant from the National Academies. The grant, for $25,000, will fund a project titled “Interaction of Complex Biomolecules with a Complex Liquid: Role of Water in Biology.” Dr. Kumar is a fellow of the Center for Studies in Physics and Biology.

Ralph M. Steinman, the Albany Medical Center Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research, for his discovery of and pathbreaking work with dendritic cells. Dr. Steinman, who heads the Laboratory of Cellular Physiology and Immunology, shares the prize with Bruce Beutler of The Scripps Research Institute. At $500,000, the award is the largest for science or medicine in the United States.

Sarah A. Wacker, the inaugural George Palade Graduate Fellowship at The Rockefeller University. Ms. Wacker is a graduate fellow in Tarun Kapoor’s Laboratory of Chemistry and Cell Biology and also devotes her time to mentorship programs, both at Rockefeller and elsewhere. The award, created this year to recognize outstanding graduate research, honors the late George Palade, Nobel laureate and former Rockefeller professor. Ms. Wacker, a third-year student, will hold the fellowship until she receives her Ph.D.

Promoted (academic appointments):

Iakov Zhurinskiy, to research associate, Nurse Lab.


Antoine Bricard, foreign research intern, Hudspeth Lab.

Ylli Doksani, postdoctoral associate, de Lange Lab.

Keisha John, postdoctoral associate, Hatten Lab.

Evgenia Korol, research assistant, Rice Lab.

Wen-Hui Lien, postdoctoral associate, Fuchs Lab.

Robertino Lim, research assistant, James Darnell Lab.

Thomas Maloney, research assistant, Pfaff Lab.

Conor McMeniman, postdoctoral associate, Vosshall Lab.

Saurabh Mehandru, member of the adjunct faculty, Steinman Lab.

Samson Obado, postdoctoral associate, Rout Lab.

Simon Runge, foreign research intern, Tuschl Lab.

Katherine Seip, postdoctoral fellow, Kreek Lab.

Uri Seligsohn, visiting professor, Coller Lab.

Olisambu Uche, research specialist, Nussenzweig Lab.

Elisabetta Volpi, visiting student, Coller Lab.

This publication lists new hires, awards and promotions. Staff promotions are listed yearly; academic promotions and appointments are listed monthly.