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Researchers Find Novel Way to Kill Streptococci Bacteria

Use of microbe’s natural enemy may offer alternative to antibiotics Researchers at The Rockefeller University have discovered a powerful new way to destroy on contact the bacteria that cause strep throat, flesh-eating disease and a variety of other infections. The technique, which may not cause...

Researchers Identify an Enzyme That Regulates the Action of Chronic Cocaine

New Finding Could Have Major Implications for Treatment of Addiction Scientists have found that an enzyme called Cdk5 regulates the action of chronic cocaine in the brain. In a paper published in the March Nature, members of Paul Greengard's Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience and...

Many Immune Cells Are Fine-tuned to Prevent "Friendly Fire"

Body salvages cells by altering genes during halt in development About one-quarter of the body's antibodies are produced by immune cells that have had their genetic code revised during a halt in their development, scientists at Rockefeller University and three other institutions have found. The s...

Researchers Identify Key to Genetic Replication in Hepatitis C Virus

Finding in Cell Culture Should Boost Studies of Virus and Vaccine Design Researchers at Rockefeller University and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified mutations in a protein of certain strains of hepatitis C virus (HCV) that allow these strains to replicate more ...

Researchers find how leprosy bacterium selects and attacks nerves

Mode of invasion may provide clues to the early events of other neurological diseases Researchers at Rockefeller University who study the bacterium that causes leprosy say they have identified a component on the microbe’s surface that allows it to specifically select and attack the peripheral ner...

Five New York City Research Institutions Collaborate to Study 3-D Structures of Proteins

$4.5 Million Grant from NIH Will Help to Turn Genomic Knowledge into Promising Drug Targets In the wake of the completion of the human genome sequencing project, five New York research institutions have joined together in a collaborative effort to turn that knowledge into promising drug targets. ...

Scientists Discover Why Experimental Leukemia Drug, STI-571, is Effective

A drug called STI-571, now being tested in clinics to treat a rare form of leukemia, selectively blocks a mutant enzyme that causes the disease without harming its molecular cousins. Reporting in the Sept. 15 issue of Science, a team of researchers from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at The ...

Researchers Identify Candidate Human Pheromone Receptor Gene

A team of researchers from The Rockefeller University in New York and the Yale University School of Medicine has identified for the first time a candidate pheromone receptor gene in humans. The findings, reported in the September issue of Nature Genetics, may shed new light on the molecular basis...

Researchers Find Key to Tuberculosis Persistence in the Body

Discovery provides hints for foiling world's No. 1 infectious killer The tuberculosis bacterium requires a specific enzyme to cause persistent infection, a consortium of researchers at Rockefeller University and three other institutions have found. The discovery suggests that targeting the enzyme...

Rockefeller Researchers Show Brain Wiring For Detecting Odors May Depend On Experience

Findings show for the first time that development of smell is similar to other senses Scientists have known for 30 years that proper development of the area of the brain responsible for processing visual signals depends on stimulation from the environment. In other words, the brain must "use it o...