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Giant protein organizes the transportation railway system within cells

To get its job done, each cell in the human body must constantly change its inner skeleton and therefore its outer shape. This skeleton also serves as a vast network of "tracks," which grow and shrink and move in different directions as needed to transport proteins and other materials within the ...

GenSAT (Gene Expression Nervous System Atlas) Project announced

Unprecedented genetic access to brain provided by Rockefeller University scientists For scientists studying the brain, this week's Nature announces a remarkable new map describing previously uncharted territory, plus the means of exploring the new horizons for themselves. Rockefeller University s...

"Gene therapy" in worms identifies protein that plays role in controlling water balance, sense of touch in live animals

Using "knockout" mice and mutant roundworms, researchers at The Rockefeller University and the University of California, San Francisco, have identified a protein that helps control water balance in the body and underlies the sensation of touch — functions basic to life that have long eluded expla...

Improving the body's "homeland security" against TB

Immune system provides new clue to most life-threatening bacterium The microbe that causes tuberculosis operates the way a human terrorist would. With minimal resources, the TB bacterium skillfully blends in and gains strength before lashing out unexpectedly. This microbe, which claims more human...

White House Awards National Medal of Science to Rockefeller University's James Darnell

Nation's highest scientific award honors gene regulation pioneer James E. Darnell Jr., M.D., a pioneering researcher in the field of gene regulation, will receive the National Medal of Science, the White House announced today. Darnell is among eight American scientists to receive the award, the n...

Nobel Prize honors Rockefeller University scientist Roderick MacKinnon for revealing process of electrical signaling in humans and other living organisms

Rockefeller University Professor Roderick MacKinnon, M.D., a biophysicist and X-ray crystallographer whose exquisitely detailed portraits of a class of proteins explain the generation of nerve impulses — the electrical activity that underlies all movement, sensation and thought — is honored this...

Silence of the genes

New theory explains how gene-silencing "glue" can be removed In addition to nails and screws, a carpenter's bag of tricks includes glue. Nails can be pulled, screws can be removed, but glue is typically permanent. Nature uses its own version of glue to jam a gene's expression when its activity co...

Leukemia drug Gleevec slows accumulation of major component of senile plaques in cell studies and in guinea pigs

Gleevec, the breakthrough drug for treating chronic myologenous leukemia (CML) and gastrointestinal stromal tumors, slowed the accumulation of the major protein component of senile plaques that characterize Alzheimer's disease, in laboratory cultures of mouse brain cells and guinea pigs. The find...

Salmonella bacterium uses potent molecular "staples" to change structure of cells it infects

Salmonella, a well-known food-borne bacterium, uses protein "staples" to restructure the shape of the gut cells it invades, forcing these cells to flow around the bacteria and engulf them, researchers at Rockefeller University have discovered. The research, published in the September 26 issue of ...

Lasker Award ("American Nobel") honors Rockefeller University scientist Robert Roeder for pioneering studies of how human genes are switched on and off

Robert G. Roeder, Ph.D., a biochemist whose research has led to major advances in understanding how human genes are switched "on" and "off," is this year's recipient of the highly prestigious Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research, the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation announced today. Ro...