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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: June 11, 2012

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: June 11, 2012 Dynamics of TGF-β signaling reveal adaptive and pulsatile behaviors reflected in the nuclear localization of transcription factor Smad4 Aryeh Warmflash, Qixiang Zhang, Benoit Sorre, Alin Vonica, Eric D. Siggia and Ali H. Br...

Science online: June 7, 2012

Science online: June 7, 2012 dSarm/Sarm1 Is Required for Activation of an Injury-Induced Axon Death Pathway Jeannette M. Osterloh, Jing Yang, Timothy M. Rooney, A. Nicole Fox, Robert Adalbert, Eric H. Powell, Amy E. Sheehan, Michelle A. Avery, Rachel Hackett, Mary A. Logan, Jennifer M. MacDonald,...

Cornelia Bargmann receives Kavli Prize in Neuroscience

Cornelia Bargmann, Torsten N. Wiesel Professor and head of the Lulu and Anthony Wang Laboratory of Neural Circuits and Behavior, is the recipient of the 2012 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters announced today. Bargmann, who is also an investigator at the How...

Cell 149: 1164-1173 (May 25, 2012)

Cell 149: 1164-1173 Contingency and statistical laws in replicate microbial closed ecosystems Doeke R. Hekstra and Stanislas Leibler  

Cell 149: 1152-1163 (May 25, 2012)

Cell 149: 1152-1163 Identification of the Cortical Neurons that Mediate Antidepressant Responses Eric F. Schmidt, Jennifer L. Warner-Schmidt, Benjamin G. Otopalik, Sarah B. Pickett, Paul Greengard and Nathaniel Heintz

Rockefeller scientists pioneer new method to determine mechanisms of drug action

Knowing that a drug works is great. Knowing how it works is a luxury. And until now, determining a drug’s mechanism of action has been a tedious and difficult process for scientists. Researchers led by Tarun Kapoor at The Rockefeller University, in collaboration with Olivier Elemento at Weill Cor...

Two Rockefeller postdocs win Blavatnik Awards

Two Rockefeller University postdoctoral fellows have been named winners in the 2012 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists competition from The New York Academy of Sciences. Andrey Feklistov, from Seth Darst’s Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, and Nicholas Stavropoulos, from Michael Young’s Lab...

Journal of Experimental Medicine online: May 21, 2012

Journal of Experimental Medicine online: May 21, 2012 Expression of the zinc finger transcription factor zDC (Zbtb46, Btbd4) defines the classical dendritic cell lineage Matthew M. Meredith, Kang Liu, Guillaume Darrasse-Jeze, Alice O. Kamphorst, Heidi A. Schreiber, Pierre Guermonprez, Juliana Ido...

In the News

Out for Blood   “‘They’re hunters,’ says Leslie Vosshall, the Robin Chemers Neustein Professor at the Rockefeller University of New York, an expert on the science of smell and someone who is not afraid to put her arm into a chamber of mosquitoes and get bitten a lot. ‘And they’ve adapt...

Rockefeller hosts first Leon Levy Neuroscience Fellows Symposium

The first Leon Levy Neuroscience Fellows Symposium will be held at Rockefeller University on Wednesday, May 16. Levy Fellows from Rockefeller, Columbia and New York universities, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Cornell Medical College will discuss their latest neuroscience resear...