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Cell 155: 107-120 (9-26-13)

Cell 155: 107-120 Hira-dependent histone H3.3 deposition facilitates PRC2 recruitment at developmental loci in ES cells Laura A. Banaszynski, Duancheng Wen, Scott Dewell, Sarah J. Whitcomb, Mingyan Lin, Nichole Diaz, Simon J. Elsässer, Ariane Chapgier, Aaron D. Goldberg, Eli Canaani, Shahin Rafii...

Developmental Cell online: September 25, 2013

Developmental Cell online: September 25, 2013 Chromatin-bound Xenopus Dppa2 shapes the nucleus by locally inhibiting microtubule assembly John Z. Xue, Eileen M. Woo, Lisa Postow, Brian T. Chait and Hironori Funabiki

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: September 25, 2013

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: September 25, 2013 Adaptor complex AP2/PICALM, through interaction with LC3, targets Alzheimer's APP-CTF for terminal degradation via autophagy Yuan Tian, Jerry C. Chang, Emily Y. Fan, Marc Flajolet and Paul Greengard

The EMBO Journal online: September 24, 2013

The EMBO Journal online: September 24, 2013 IFNβ-dependent increases in STAT1, STAT2, and IRF9 mediate resistance to viruses and DNA damage HyeonJoo Cheon, Elise G. Holvey-Bates, John W. Schoggins, Samuel Forster, Paul Hertzog, Naoko Imanaka, Charles M. Rice, Mark W. Jackson, Damian J. Junk and G...

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: September 23, 2013

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: September 23, 2013 Structure and nucleic acid binding activity of the nucleoporin Nup157 Hyuk-Soo Seo, Bartlomiej J. Blus, Nina Z. Janković and Günter Blobel

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: September 16, 2013

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: September 16, 2013 HIV-1 suppression and durable control by combining single broadly neutralizing antibodies and antiretroviral drugs in humanized mice Joshua A. Horwitz, Ariel Halper-Stromberg, Hugo Mouquet, Alexander D. Gitlin, Anna Tr...

Journal of Experimental Medicine online: September 16, 2013

Journal of Experimental Medicine online: September 16, 2013 Intestinal monocytes and macrophages are required for T cell polarization in response to Citrobacter rodentium Heidi A. Schreiber, Jakob Loschko, Roos A. Karssemeijer, Amelia Escolano, Matthew M. Meredith, Daniel Mucida, Pierre Guermonpr...

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: September 9, 2013

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA online: September 9, 2013 Decisions on the fly in cellular sensory systems Eric D. Siggia and Massimo Vergassola    

Huda Y. Zoghbi, pediatric neurologist, to receive 2013 Pearl Meister Greengard Prize

Huda Y. Zoghbi, M.D., a pediatric neurologist and neuroscientist who has worked on the genetic underpinnings of rare neurological diseases and advanced our understanding of brain disorders, has been selected to receive the tenth annual Pearl Meister Greengard Prize — one of the world’s preemin...

Cell Stem Cell 13: 314-327 (9-5-13)

Cell Stem Cell 13: 314-327 Architectural niche organization by LHX2 is linked to hair follicle stem cell function Alicia R. Folgueras, Xingyi Guo, H. Amalia Pasolli, Nicole Stokes, Lisa Polak, Deyou Zheng and Elaine Fuchs