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New book by population biologist asks why we educate children

Ensuring that every child worldwide has an education sounds like a worthy goal. But as access to public education remains scarce in many parts of the world, a new book by Rockefeller University’s Joel E. Cohen steps back and asks what people want to accomplish through universal basic and seconda...


University Web site is redesigned. Communications and Public Affairs and Information Technology have launched phase one of the university’s new Web site design, including the new home page as well as the Scientists & Research, Newswire and About sections. The design overhaul will continue through...

The Rockefeller University's finances

This is a reproduction of a memo sent to campus from President Paul Nurse on Monday, March 8. A year ago, during a period of worldwide economic turmoil, I wrote to you about the university’s finances. In July we held our last “town hall” meeting when I updated the community on developments. I...

Physics-biology symposium kicks off 
joint Rockefeller/IAS initiative

by THANIA BENIOS An inaugural symposium named for Joshua Lederberg and John von Neumann, held in December at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, was the first of a series of collaborative events between Rockefeller University and the IAS to be held regularly as part of a jo...

Faculty search benefits from down economy

by ZACH VEILLEUX As the fifth year of the university’s open faculty search enters its final round, applicants are up by 60 percent compared to fall 2008, and members of the search committee say the pool is stronger and more diverse than it has been in the past. A total of 582 people submitted ...

Trustee Christopher Browne dies at 62

by JOSEPH BONNER Christopher H. Browne, a member of The Rockefeller University Board of Trustees for the last 12 years, died of a heart attack on December 13, 2009. He was 62 years old. Mr. Browne joined The Rockefeller University Council, an international advisory group whose members serve as...

The CFC hits the books

by TALLEY HENNING BROWN Story time has been reimagined. With money raised from a raffle held last winter, the Child and Family Center has revitalized and reorganized its collection of children’s books and established a dedicated reading area for the center’s 100-plus children. CFC staff welcome...

Rockefeller University Hospital celebrates 100 years

Later this year, on October 26, the Rockefeller University Hospital will celebrate its 100th birthday. In the century since its founding, more than 100 notable discoveries have been associated with the hospital, research that has bridged the work of physicians and scientists and addressed some of...

Bright lights, safe city

Last December — just in time for the late-winter onslaught of driving snow and slippery ice — Plant Operations replaced the 50-year-old streetlamps lining the university’s main drive up to Founder’s Hall with new ones outfitted with brighter, LED bulbs. The new fixtures, which use about 90 p...


Awarded: Paul Bieniasz, the 2010 Eli Lilly and Company Research Award from the American Society for Microbiology, the society’s oldest and most prestigious prize. Dr. Bieniasz, head of Rockefeller’s Laboratory of Retrovirology and an investigator at the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center and t...